A Dark Ritual

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It was unknown how much time as passed as Mallory seemed to rot away in her cell. All she did was sit and wait as the Forsworn in front of her picked his teeth and spat the remnants at her.

"Hurts being on that side of the cage doesn't it bitch." The Forsworn said as he spat at her again. "Now we return your 'nordic hospitality.'"

"My soldiers freed you." Mallory said as her strength slowly returned.

Her leg wound had stopped bleeding despite it still being open, her head no longer throbbed making her vision pulse. Instead as she had was drowsiness, yet she couldn't sleep, and fatigue.

The Forsworn made a low growl in his throat then spat a large wad at her, hitting her right in the eye which Mallory quickly wiped away.

"My ass! You merely threw us at your enemy hoping we'd do you fucking dirty work for you!" The Forsworn said as he continued to raise his voice.

"Then do something about it if you're better than us nords." Mallory prodded.

The Forsworn merely grumbled as he quickly moved away from her cell door.

"I knew your kind were nothing but cowering bitches, thats why you'll never have your home again." Mallory again prodded as a slight scuff of a foot sound was made followed by the sound of running.

The Forsworn had ran back shouting curses as he fumbled with the key in his hand trying to open her door.

Once the door opened with its pleasant creak, Mallory sprung from her sitting position making herself fly through the door and into the Forsworn, knocking them both down. She rolled off of him as her vision darkened from moving too quickly as she stumbled back. Before her vision cleared, she was knocked back by a punch at her jaw then a kick at her bad knee. The hard hit of a knee struck her head making her fall to the ground.

Her vision finally cleared just as the Forsworn was trying to get on top of her. She held him back as she winded a swing then hit him in between the legs, making a quick high pitch cry come from him. Mallory then shoved him off and quickly stood up and punched him again, then grabbed the horns on his headdress and kneed him in the face. He tried swinging the knife he picked his teeth with at her but Mallory caught his arm then drove her elbow into his throat. She ripped the knife out of his hand as the Forsworn choked for air and stabbed him in the chest. Mallory twisted the crude blade then pulled it out and stabbed him in the throat and slammed his body to the ground.

She spat at him then walked back to her cell door and grabbed the key from it then spat again. Feeling slightly light headed, Mallory walked to the nearest cell and opened it, seeing someone laying on the ground.
"Guunlif!" She shouted as she ran over.

Mallory knelt down and placed her ear to his mouth, listening for his breathing. She sighed in relief as there was raspy breath. She knew he would have to be carried out but before that Mallory would have to find the others.

She got up and left the cell then swiftly moved down each cell, looking for her commandos. There were only two in the dungeon after looking twice. Guunlif and a dead commando she didn't know the name of.

Mallory ran back to Guunlifs cell and picked him up, putting one leg across one shoulder and an arm over the other.

Slowly and silently she moved through the hall, both looking for their armor and her soldiers. Her heart raced the entire time.

Each doorway brought fear as she would slowly push each door open with her foot. Forsworn walked around the fortress randomly making the fear of being caught grow.

After one group walked past them, Mallory shifted Guunlif trying to keep his weight even on her. With panted breath she moved up to another door and pushed it open.

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