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If you are under the age of eighteen, there are scenes in this chapter that are for mature audiences only. These scenes include on page sex, which is why this book is for mature audiences, and I (as the author) suggest that you skip this chapter or that particular scene which hosts those mature themes. It will not keep you from the story by skipping it.

Thanks! ~Kayla 🌊

The water in the large tub was still warm as I lay in it, my hair floating around me, each individual strand distinctive underneath the clear water. I tried not to move, fearing that if I did, the water would shift and splash onto the hardwood floor. Closing my eyes, I felt my body relax, letting the warmth of the water calm my nerves. It had been a month since I met Delmare, and nearly the same amount of time that I had spent dating him.

We hadn't kissed yet, despite the bond begging us to—amongst other unmentionable things. My rational brain knew that a month was too soon, but the mystical and frustratingly enticing Mate bond between the two of us did not care for what was rational.

Only that morning, he had said that he had a surprise for me, his eyes sparking their golden color that I knew meant he was in the mood, not that I couldn't tell from the boner he had every time I touched him. I smiled cheekily at the thought, knowing he had amazing self-control if his bond was as intense as mine. I wanted to rip his clothes off every time I saw him, but I was sure that if we did it, we would regret it soon after. Were we ready to take things up a notch or was what we were feeling for each other the bond?

Sitting up, my mind raced with possibilities as water droplets made their way down my body. I had been so consumed with my thoughts that I hadn't realized that the once-warm water was now freezing cold. Goosebumps spread across my skin. I stood and pulled the plug, letting the water drain as I stepped out onto the hardwood floor, water pooling where my feet rested. Wrapping a towel around my body, I tried to dry my hair as best I could with another towel, hoping that the water would be absorbed soon. I padded into my bedroom—I guess I should say our bedroom, as we had started sleeping together in the same bed not three weeks ago. I fumbled through my drawer, trying to find the cute bra I had found at the mall the other day.

"Ah-ha!" I exclaimed, pulling it out. I let the towel drop to the floor and pulled my underwear and bra on, then dressed in a sundress. I unwrapped my hair from the towel before letting my damp hair fall around my face. Picking up my discarded towels off the floor, I quickly threw them in the hamper and made my way into the living room where music was softly playing through the speakers.

As I turned the corner and walked into the kitchen, I saw Delmare busy cooking, intensely staring at the pot that was boiling before he glanced back at the box of what looked like macaroni and cheese. I had been teaching him things about the world above for the past month, much to his excitement. He caught on quickly for someone who had spent their entire existence underwater. Cautiously and quietly, I made my way toward him, hoping he wouldn't turn around or that the floors wouldn't squeak. Smiling to myself, I closed the distance between us, wrapping my arms around him as I hugged him tight. I felt his muscles tense, then instantly relax when he realized who I was. Breathing in his familiar scent, I pressed my cheek against his back, holding him in place while he chuckled. "I'm trying to cook. You aren't helping."

"Fine, I won't touch you anymore," I teased, letting go of him and backing away.

"Wait, no," he said, turning around to face me. His bottom lip stuck out in a pout as his eyes pleaded for me to take it back. "That's not fair."

"Hmm, true, but if you turn the burner off and catch me, maybe I'll let you touch me some more." I grinned as I watched the excitement spread across his face,

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