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The next morning, I awoke to someone poking me several times on my shoulder, and feet kicking my stomach. The annoying prodding wouldn't stop. I swatted whoever was poking me. He groaned in protest as I shuffled farther away from him. With a huff, he stopped poking me, but the kicking persisted as I tried to fall back asleep. I felt something wet against my cheek and immediately opened my eyes. Delmare's face was inches away from my own as he grinned mischievously back at me.

"Ew, why is my face wet? Did you lick me?" I asked as I wiped my face with the comforter. His face showed what I said was true, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust. "You're disgusting."

"I love you too." He laughed and reached down for a kiss just as I moved away from his reach. "Hey! I want to kiss you good morning!"

"Well, now you can't," I said with a huff, shimmying out of my nightgown, which nowadays only meant one of Delmare's T-shirts, and changed into the dress that I was expected to wear during Delmare's coronation that day. The fabric was soft and comfortable and flowed over my baby bump with ease.

"You're no fun," Delmare complained from bed.

I turned around, a cheeky grin on my face. "I know." I laughed, slipping on some sandals and hoping no one would see my swollen ankles.

"I love your swollen ankles," Delmare said, walking toward me and hugging me from behind just as the children kicked. "I love your baby bump and the children it holds."

"You mean my uterus?" I said with a giggle, craning my neck to look behind me. "You need to get dressed. Your coronation is in two hours and I don't want you to be late."

I heard him huff in protest, moving my hair away from my neck as I felt his lips brush against the base of my neck. He spun me around to face him, his eyes burning gold now. I shook my head, knowing we didn't have any time for his horny outbursts. "Delmare, you need to get dressed."

"I will, later," he mumbled, his thumb rubbing softly against my cheek as he leaned in for a kiss, pulling me closer to him. I felt him grab the zipper of my dress, pulling it down slowly. Instinctively, I ran my fingers through his hair, completely forgetting what we were supposed to be doing as I tugged on his shirt. My hormones were everywhere—one minute I hated him for licking me and the next, I wanted him so badly I couldn't stand it.

I kissed him back and he lifted me up, carrying me over to the bed as I kissed his neck. Effortlessly, he set me down while I closed my eyes. I heard a rustle and opened them again, reaching up to touch his bare chest. His eyes were a mix of gold and purple as he crawled into the bed, holding me close and spooning me from behind. I found myself closing my eyes again, feeling his fingers play with my bra as he teased me, leaving a trail of soft kisses along my shoulder before I turned onto my back. I stared at him as he rested his head on his hand, leaning up against the pillows. He smiled as I reached behind me, unclasping my bra before flinging it in the direction of my discarded dress. Within seconds, we were all over each other, kissing each other long and hard as we breathed in each other's familiar scent. My breathing hitched as he kissed down my neck before sucking on my breasts. A moan escaped my lips.

"Delmare," I moaned as he kissed my stomach twice just as someone knocked on the door, interrupting the moment. Delmare lifted his head and stared at me, his face falling with disappointment.

"Your highness, my lady, you are needed downstairs in the throne room," a guard said through the cracked door. Delmare groaned in protest, kissing me again on the lips.

Breathless, I called, "We'll be right down!"

Delmare's eyes were entirely gold now as he looked at me mischievously, his hands playing with the band on my underwear before he pulled them off effortlessly. "Delmare, we can't do this right now." He began to play with my soft spot as pleasure spread throughout my body, forcing me to close my eyes, enjoying every second of it. "You're stubborn."

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