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Ondina looked up into the darkness, sneering at the guards who unlocked her cell. The heavy chains bound her thin wrists. Weeks of forcing herself to not eat had made her body a thin frame, her skin clinging to the bones in her body. The men grabbed ahold of her, pulling her to her feet with such a force that a bone might have broken, though, she wasn't sure which nor did she care. She was being sent to her death after all.

Ondina didn't resist as the two men dragged her up the stairs to the main floor of the palace, down the long hallways she had spent years cleaning, and into the throne room. There, in the grand hall, nine members of the royal family stood, their heads held high as they stared at Ondina walking toward them. Suddenly, the guards stopped, halting her steps. She stumbled before they pushed her to the floor.

"Ondina Oceane, daughter of Queen Avisa and Kai Waters, how do you plead?" the Queen of Arcania asked, her voice ringing loud in clear in the ancient mer-language she had spent the last year mastering while Ondina had been missing. Her skin glowed under the fire light, hinting at her condition. If you were paying attention, you could see the small baby bump that had already begun to form.

"Guilty," Ondina replied, grinning. "And I would do it again."

"Very well," Anna said, no sympathy in her tone as she stared at her former confidante.

Once she said this, a blue-skinned figure stood before Ondina. There was no mistaking who the Symari was. Everyone knew their creator and family, even Ondina. And before she could even begin to realize the grave mistakes she had made, her grandmother touched her forehead and a searing pain shot through her body, turning her body to ash. Ondina Oceane would no longer harm those of the sea, and the Syrens would no longer continue to wreak havoc on the world. But these enemies were just the beginning, for there was a greater danger our world is facing — humans and their waste that would soon turn the world into a wasteland.

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