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I sat cuddled on the couch in Delmare's clothes while John sat beside me, skimming through my movie library on the television. I leaned my head against the back of the couch, my mind racing as I listened to the pinging of the options as he scrolled through them. I took a deep breath, my skin still burning as it had been for four days now—or was it five? I couldn't remember now. The days had all blurred together.

"What do you want to watch?" John asked, turning to me as he tried desperately to act like everything was normal, but I knew he was worried about me. I was getting worse as the days dragged on.

"Um," I hummed, looking up at the screen. "What about something with Tom Hanks?"

"Let's see," he said. "Uh, what about Forrest Gump?"

"Sure," I replied, honestly not caring what we watched, and desperately wishing that my pain would cease so I no longer had this awful fever that filled my entire body.

When he pushed play, I stood, padding to the kitchen to grab some water. I had been drinking gallons upon gallons of water, but it wasn't enough. I still felt thirsty and it wasn't regulating my temperature as I hoped it would. Cold compresses didn't help, they just melted. I wondered if I should be going to the emergency room, but Claire and John acted as if this was normal. Walking back with my cup, I set it on the side table before easing down onto the furniture, wincing as the pain stung my muscles.

"This sucks, John." I sighed, resting my bare feet against the coffee table. "I feel like my body is angry with me."

John chuckled beside me. "Well, your body is more angry with Delmare for impregnating you and leaving. You'll feel better once he comes back."

"You better not do this to anyone," I said, looking him dead in the eyes. "If you manage to be stupid like me and not use protection, you will be present for their entire life."

He gave me a look that said he already knew what I was going to say. "I know, Anna. If I manage to knock a girl up, I won't let her go through it alone. If course, I always use condoms, unlike some people." He grinned before I playfully swatted his shoulder. "Ow!"

"Don't scold the sick, pregnant lady!"

He laughed before looking back at the movie that was playing. "I don't know any of those."

I grumbled, trying to ignore his teasing comment as I stood, my bladder screaming at me to use the bathroom. I relieved myself and washed my hands, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I looked awful. My hair was a rat's nest, my skin an ashen color despite the red tint on my cheeks. I barely recognized myself.

Turning away, I joined John back on the couch, trying to concentrate on the movie playing ahead of us.

"So, John, do you have any lady friend I need to know about?" I asked as I looked over at him. As I mentioned him with a woman, his face burned bright scarlet. "Oh, so there is someone! Do tell!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, his tone and body language absolutely betraying him. "Why are you bringing my love life up?"

"Oh, no reason. So, how is it?" I grinned, leaning toward him as his blush deepened.

He looked away.

"Why haven't I met her yet?"

"I was planning for you to meet her today, but seeing as you're..." he paused, searching for the right words, "going through something, I figured it wasn't the right time."

"I see. So, what is she like? What's her name?"

"Her name is Asherah Trench, and she has this beautiful head of blonde hair that I can just dig my fingers through." He paused, his face blushing even darker. "She's really nice and sweet. You would love her. I—I love her."

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