The Syren Queen Excerpt

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I've always hated parties.

The crowds, mindless chatter, and endless dancing was not my idea of fun. Especially now, as I sat in our carriage waiting patiently while my men pulled us along toward my brother's kingdom, nestled deep within the Atlantic Ocean. I hadn't seen him since I ascended the throne fifty years before. Now I was a mere 422 years old, and I still felt like I would never become the queen my brother wanted me to be, or who our immortal mother wished me to be. I still believed I was just a guppy. I didn't want to rule a kingdom, but I didn't want to let my family down.

"Seda?" Kai asked, turning to me, pulling me from my thoughts as I heard him say my nickname.

I turned to him, staring into his silver eyes as I admired the familiarity of his features and his presence. Remembering the fevered kisses we'd given each other hours before as we relished in each other's company. I tentatively smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't sense my discomfort as we entered Terenia, my eldest brother's 

kingdom, and the location of the week-long party that I was expected to attend. I looked down at my skirts, my webbed toes peeking through the fabric as if taunting me. Kai's tail bumped my leg as the carriage came to a complete stop.

"Sorry." He paused, looking over at me, his enchanting eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

No, I'm not alright, I wanted to say. I don't want to be here. I just want to stay home and forget about my duty to marry and bear children.

"I'm fine, " I lied, gritting my teeth. "I'm just tired."

He nodded and got up, exiting the carriage so he could assist me. Standing, my midnight-blue hair floated in the equally blue water, while bubbles escaped around me as they tried to reach the surface. Making my way toward the door, I gently placed my hand into Kai's large one, my light blue skin contrasting against his iridescent scales as I entwined our fingers. He smiled, and the guards stood tall and proud around us as we continued forward.

"Good evening, Your Majesty. Welcome to Terenia," a stout woman said, her graying hair pulled back in a tight bun and her eyes a kind blue. "My name is Mrs. Berkeley."

I smiled, and this time, there was no falseness to it. "Thank you, madam. It's lovely to be back in my brother's kingdom. Has my room been prepared? I would like my men to be able to have their rest and a good meal before tonight's festivities."

"Yes, Your Majesty, your room has been prepared and I will personally make sure your men get whatever they need." She paused to turn around, "Now, please follow me, I will show you to your room and you may meet your attendants during your visit."

I grabbed Kai's arm, hoping to mask the fact that I was uncomfortable by his presence while we followed the woman along the winding hallways toward a door at the end of the hall. She simply knocked and pushed the door open, motioning for me to go inside. The room was spacious—not as big as my room back home, but indeed comfortable, not that I needed such extravagance.

I would have been fine with a simple guest room with a bed and a place that I could bathe in peace with no attendants gawking at my unique human legs instead of a large fishtail. Two women floated before me, one with dark, almost black skin and a bright pink tail, and the other with contrasting pale skin and bright red and orange hair like that of some humans I had seen as they pranced along the shoreline of Scotland. They curtsied, wishing me a good day. The stout woman from before gave me their names: Erika was the one with the pink tail, and Arista was the fiery-haired one.

"It's lovely to meet you both," I said, as formal as ever, "Will you help me put away my things for this week?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," They both said as the Mrs. Berkeley motioned for Kai to follow her. He told me he would be there if I needed anything, then kissed me softly on the cheek before he left. Turning back to my attendants, I watched as they both refused to make eye contact with me.

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