1.5 frying my brain on the internet.

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Luke's POV

Calum's friend ended up staying over and I didn't mind at first, until I found out they'd be sharing a bed.

Of course I couldn't just go in there and yell at him to, 'Get the fuçk out of my house before I mess him up'. No, that was to rude and obvious. So I was stuck moping in my room alone, not being able to sleep.


Waking up the next morning was probably even worse, I saw this Michael guy cuddled up into Calum's side on the couch when walking into the kitchen. Calum eaiting cereal and Michael looking like he was about to fall asleep.

I went to the kitchen, sculling a glass of orange juice to wake me up more.

I'm not a morning person.

Shuffling into the living room, I sat on the recliner away from the duo. Going on random social media sites for almost an hour. Until Michael broke the peaceful silence.

"It's Luke right?" I nodded, looking in his direction, I noticed Calum's left the room. And it made me feel nervous, probably because I'm in the presence of an unfamiliar face. Also I feel like punching him in the face and I didn't really trust myself alone with him. But whatever

"My friends having this party tonight, Calum and I are going and it's an all welcome type of party. So I was thinking that you could come? If you want to, I'm sure Cal would like it if ya did though."

I'm not to sure what he meant by the last part, but I shrugged mumbling a 'sure' and he told me a couple details. Before Calum came back in the room, and I quickly went back to frying my brain on the internet.


A/N: This was shît lol the party's prob going to be next chapter ;)


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