1.1 miserable fuçking world

213 11 1

Calum's POV

"I still can't believe you're allowing him do this, he's sixteen! Bloody sixteen David, what if he gets sacked from his job? What if they want him to start paying rent and he has no money!" I listen to my mother rage, my back pressed hard against the bathroom door. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, tilting my head against hard wood door and closing my eyes. Trying to hear them through the thick doors, it helped having thin walls. But they were four rooms away, so I missed some words that were said between them.

"--He could simply move back in even, I told you to drop the subject. Now. Drop. It!"

"I get a say in this, I get to say whether I want my child out in this miserable fuçking world or not - he.. He's my son and I love him too. Stop being an asshole and listen to me-" I flinched when hearing a loud slap, glad Luke wasn't here to hear this. I could almost feel the stinging sensation on my cheek by how loud it was. Dad's always been recognized for his short-temper, it's always been a problem for both him and the people around him. Mums always kept to herself, let him decide on matters. Let him control her. Whenever she would cross the line with him, which doesn't require much. Simply raising your voice, pointing out mistake he's made or telling him what to do. It all pisses him off and he'd rather throw someone around like a doll, than have that happen to him.

I couldn't go down there and be her knight in shinning armor, her protector. Even if that's what I want to do. I've tried fighting back, it doesn't help, he just turns from being pissed to being infuriated.

I listen closely for any sound, any movement, any voices, anything. But I heard nothing, which frightened me even more.


A/N: I had writers block like a lil bîtch :c

Thoughts? Predictions? :)


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