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Part Two To 'Self-Control'

This part is set during Tommy's exile before the beach party. Tubbo feels guilty and visits Tommy so he can eat, but Tommy is convinced that he's just a hallucination.
Also, sidenote; sorry for the fucking awful fight scene. I'm not very good at writing/describing combat, so it's a bit shit and anticlimactic.

CW// Murder

      Tommy had been exiled. Not because he was a vampire, which would've been a reasonable excuse, but because he burnt down a stupid house that nobody actually cared about.

      I sighed, frustrated with how stupid and useless that government was. If they weren't gonna kill him, then I was.


      The dark ocean water reflected my face back at me, showing me what a mess I had become. I had cuts and bruises almost everywhere, my hair looked ridiculously filthy, and my eyes had turned to a shade of red so dark that it looked black. I had never been so hungry before.

      I'd been exiled for nearly a month already, and I kept hallucinating Tubbo. He was usually either insulting me and making me feel worse for what I did to him months ago, or he was weirdly insisting that I should feed from him. I just ignored it, knowing that I deserved what was happening to me.

      Nobody had come to visit me besides Dream, who was always completely covered in netherite armour, and occasionally Ghostbur, who had no blood for me to drink anyway. The others just didn't care or were too afraid. Though, Ranboo had been writing letters to me, which was better than what everyone else had been doing.

      I was so alone. Even if Dream came to see me every day, he always left at sunset. Even if Ghostbur showed up every now and then with his annoyingly bubbly attitude, he would always leave sooner or later. I was completely and utterly alone.

      And I was starving.


      Tommy was sitting alone by the sea, staring into the water, completely vulnerable. All I needed to do was stab him once, directly in the heart; he should've been far too weak from hunger to be able to heal quick enough or try to fight back. It was supposedly an easy kill.

      I slowly made my way closer and closer to him, occasionally checking my armour to make sure it was secure. I held my netherite sword tightly in my right hand with my shield securely attached to my other arm, prepared for any sudden attacks from the starving vampire sitting with his back to me.

      When I was close enough, I silently raised my sword, ready to kill Tommy. Then his ear twitched slightly, and he turned around.

      His eyes went black.



      I could smell it so strongly. The stench was almost intoxicating. I needed it.

      I licked the back of my fangs as I stood up, staring straight into Techno's eyes before scanning his armour to see where I could easily gain access to his flesh. He held his shield in front of him, cautious and wary.

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