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This is set in New L'manberg before Dream made the demand to exile Tommy for ruining George's house, but in this AU, Tommy is a daywalker (a vampire that can go out in the sun) and Tubbo lets him drink his blood so he doesn't starve and so he can hide what he is.

CW// Significant blood loss

      I was getting hungry, but Tubbo was busy with planning stuff that didn't involve me, so I just had to stay away from everyone and everything until he was done. I decided to wait for him on our bench, only breathing through my mouth just incase the smell of blood got to me.

      It was so difficult trying to resist the natural urge to hunt, but I didn't want to risk everyone finding out the biggest secret I had ever kept. Tubbo was the only person I could trust, so he was also the only person I could get blood from. I'd been feeding off him for so long to the point that anyone else's blood would be just as useless and unfilling as an animal's. So I just sat there, sometimes tapping the grass with my foot, subconsciously licking the back of my fangs as my hunger grew.


      "AHH WHAT THE FU-" I fell off the bench, my usually barely-beating heart suddenly pounding in my chest. "Ghostbur, you scared the shit out of me!"

      "Oh, sorry," He rubbed the back of his head and smiled at me. Ghostbur was pretty much the only person I could be around when I was hungry, since he doesn't have blood - he's a ghost, obviously. "I'm just here to let you know that Tubbo and I are done with the planning thingy and he wants you to meet him in Pogtopia. Also, why does he want you to go to Pogtopia? And can I come?"

      "Uh- It's a secret thing. We're gonna be talking about secret stuff. You can't come." I said, standing up and brushing the dirt off me.

      Ghostbur seemingly thought nothing of it. "Okay, that's fine, hope you have fun talking about your secret stuff!" He waved at me as he ran off. I sighed and took the long way to the abandoned ravine I had called my home only a month earlier, avoiding all living things as best as I could.


      Tommy came running down the stairs to Pogtopia less than ten minutes after I had sent Ghostbur to tell him where to meet me. His searching eyes were a vibrant red that made me feel bad for making him wait so long to eat.

      I was standing on the cobble platform and it took him less than a second to spot me. I knew he would be starving, so I'd already exposed my throat for him to save time; he immediately ran to me, grabbing my shoulders and sinking his fangs into my neck. I inhaled sharply at the pain and tried my best not to focus on the feeling of my blood being sucked from my veins - it wasn't unbearable, but it still hurt like hell.

      When he was finished, Tommy retracted his fangs to the size of a human's teeth and wiped the extra blood from his mouth. I felt a bit dizzy from the blood loss and almost fell onto him, but he caught me and sat me down against the wall before taking the spot beside me. I took the bandages I had brought out of my pocket and wrapped them around the small pricks in my throat, pressing down hard on them after I was done to stop the bleeding. "Sorry for making you wait for so long," I said once everything stopped spinning. "I didn't mean for the meeting to go on for that long. Did Ghostbur notice your eye colour, by the way?" I turned to Tommy, staring at his now bright blue eyes.

      "If he did, he didn't comment on them. But anyway, what was the meeting about? And why wasn't I needed?"

      "Oh, I was just talking with Ghostbur about expanding the sewers he lives in so we can have more space for residents. I might make an announcement about it next week if we go through with it."

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