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The sun rose in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling light all over the land and the white clouds.

“Anna Anna get up you log” wow she could literally scare the shit out of everyone with her loud voice, There she’s my personal alarm, well I’m not a morning person, it’s my mom who wakes me up, wait it’s not her usual tone, she would only call me log when she’s is piss.
However, ho I get it why she is piss, typical Mom.

“I’m up my lady, stop screaming”, I shouted back in same tone making her more piss.

“Get your Ass here Anna, before I drag your lazy ass down & feed you Broccoli”, came her warning, god I hate that veggie a lot, how can someone likes that, better I hurry up.

I dressed up in short and crop top, and went to see our lady boss, who is at the verge of exploding, let me cool her down.

“Mom, my sweet Mom, what did I do now” I asked her even though I know the reason, earning a glare from her

I sat next to Dad and my GF (hey don’t get wrong idea, I’m straight, it’s my dadi I call her my GF) who now was fed up with her antics, looks like she set our house on fire.

I looked at Dad asking how’s the temperature will I survive, only to receive best of luck look from him, and my GF she was pitying me, well wish me a luck Jesus.

I cleared my throat to gain her attention who now sat opposite to us, well Me, Dad and GF on the other side of living couch.

“Mom, you know it’s just 4.38hrs bird fly, I could be here anytime, it’s not like I’m permanently shifting there, I’m grown up, I could live alone Mom, I understand you are worried about me, but trust me I can take care of myself, please it’s a great opportunity for me”

I tried to make her understand
Well it all started when my boss dropped a huge bomb on me, you heard me right, I now need to work for the Main boss Mr. SSO, has he fired his secretary, man this guy I heard a lot about him, he’s literally pain in neck,

He could scare anyone with his one look, he’s so intimidating, you all probably wondering why me right, it’s all coz of his cousin Om, he had seen me working me here

He was quite impressed with my work quote “not quite he was totally impressed by my work, I have just met him once, when he visited six months back, it’s was just a month me working for Mr. Wilson,

Now he recommended me to work for Mr. SSO has he think I’m capable of it, well it’s true I could handle anyone, but him I doubt, let’s just come back to my Mom, ever since I told I need to move to NY, and work for main boss,
She’s fussing around it, according to her I’m still not ready to move out and live alone, that’s my Mom, she wouldn’t appreciate me staying alone, forget 5feet away, here I told her I need to move to different place and live there, though my Dad my savior convinced her, she’s still mad about that.

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