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"Dad" whined Ana where Shiv looked here and there and clan were holding their stomach

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"Dad" whined Ana where Shiv looked here and there and clan were holding their stomach

Harsh looked at his Princess embarrassed face and chuckled

He spread his arms in no time she jumped on him and got embraced in his warmth

Everyone smiled looking at the father-daughter duo

Maan hugged Shiv and kissed his cheeks

Everything was perfect and the party ended with smiling and teasing faces

Everyone was retiring to their room in no time except Shivika all bust out laughing when they heard Harsh say

"Now you no need to enter her room like Cat Shiv"

Shivika glared at the clan and again Ana whined like a kid

Shivay scooped her in his arms and left from there where all hooted for them

He placed her on a stool near the dressing mirror and removed the pins around her hair and let it fall

She relaxed when his magical fingers massaged her scalp

She couldn't hold her moan and let out a moan making him smile

"Shiv" she moaned and bit her lips he hummed looking at the mirror the sight in front of him was pleasure, he kissed her head and made her stand

He unzips the dress and soon it found its place but Shivay stood rooted to his place, he gulped hard seeing her view in the mirror, his member twist inside and he let out a groan as she stood in red strapless see-through set

"Why do I find your intention bad Kitten" he shuttered looking at her smirk, she turned and encircled her hand around his neck and other traced his jawline

Looking at him "Too bad that I feel eating you Shiv" she whispered dangerously while he gulped seeing his bold kitten indeed she ends up eating him

With no waste, she slammed her lips on his and sucked his lower lips it was too sudden it took him a minute to get out of shock and respond her

His hand cupped her a** cheeks and squeezed it hard making her moan in the kiss and jump and wrap her legs around his trunk

"Take me to shower" she demand kissing him while he let her take control... wild bold demanding kitten  always make him speechless and aroused

He took her to WC and placed her against the wall both were sucking each other lips and was in their world, she turned on the shower and both got drench under it, removing his blazer and shirt she bite her lips seeing the hulk

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