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“Ouch”, I fell down, it was late night when we reached our home, he just slept in my room saying he’ll miss me, but now I want to kick him, who does sleep like this, head at the edge of bed, his foot on my face, you heard me, he kicked me on my face, I just pity his wife.

I saw the time, I still have time to catch my flight, I saw his sleeping figure, an idea popped into my mind,..

You deserve this Monster; I went to my walking closet, bought my makeup kit and gave him a makeover, well he looks like clone, I grabbed my phone and uploaded in my Insta tagging him, little fun won’t hurt anyone, besides it’s common for us,

Leaving him to sleep, I went to get changed.
I came out all dressed, but this idiot was still sleeping, shaking my head, I went to meet our parents.
I saw my parents and my GF, in living hall and I headed towards them

“Hey family”, I wished them, they wished them back

“Hey princess, where’s your idiot brother” asked my dad, before I could reply him,,,

“Stop it both of you, my son is not idiot like you two”, came my mom complain voice, we both laughed at her, why not they are our prey for pranks.

Exactly five min later, we all heard his voice who now was screaming at top of his voice, he rushed towards her, making us laugh at him, he still haven’t wiped the makeup

“Stop it everyone” came his angry voice

“And you witch, what did you do, how can you upload this pick in your Insta and tag me, there’ll be many girls who’ll see my pick, what they’ll think about me, you witch”, I laughed, I knew it, he’s not a player but he’s a heavy flirt.

“Well they will only think what a joker you are,” I told him adding fuel to his already burning stomach

He marched towards me, which made me run to save my life, but I’m not a runner he caught hold of me in no time and took me to take his revenge

“No stop it don’t you dare drop me you asshole”

“Well you deserve an award for your deed don’t you bitch” came his sarcastic reply

Before I could kick him to escape, I was dropped into pool, there you go why the hell did I bath, when I knew what this idiot will do to me, I was drenched in pool, that idiot was laughing like maniac,

My eyes landed to my father who approached him like kitten, in no time my monster was, pushed inside pool.

We laughed seeing him, but it didn’t last when we saw our Dad in pool, our Mom pushed him, he looked at her shocked later smirk seeing her in pool who was pushed by my GF

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