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Shivika were baffled

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Shivika were baffled

"Guys low down your voices, yes I proposed to her no need to make us deaf"

"Brother, what do you expect from us, you secretly proposed beautiful you didn't even hint us, here we thought you need a push you're as slow as snail but you turned out to be turbo snail"

"Rudy my boy shut that useless mouth of yours," said Shiv

Everyone giggled seeing Ru's annoyed face and Shiv's glare

"Billu, you are one step ahead of your father and grandfather here we thought you would take ages to acknowledge your feeling but you shocked us by confessing to her, I'm proud of you Billu, finally my wish came true" saying she kissed Shivika's forehead blessing them

OmRu jumped on Shivika congratulating them Anika gasped cause she was sandwich btw them

MalRiVya giggled seeing them

Once they broke the hug, Ru kissed Anika's cheek irritating Shiv

"Ru stop kissing her cheek" saying he wiped her cheek as if she would get infected

"Jealous Billu" he muttered under his breath

MalRiVya winked at her making her blush

Anika was surprised to hear his voice

"Hey Witch"

"Monster you"

"I connected him when you went to convince Shivay," said Malika

"Shivay I can't even lift her how are you carrying that panda in your arms" teased Aru

"Shut your bloody mouth Monster" snapped Anika

Shivay chuckled seeing them

"You, drop me down" she glared at Shivay

"But I didn't do anything" he defended seeing her glare

"You jerk didn't you chuckle I didn't ask you to carry me, drop me down" she glared at him Kissing her nose "Kitten I didn't mean to anger you, I couldn't control myself seeing your face, you know you look sexy with that look," he said looking at her

"Haa, these two would start anywhere" commented Ru

"I never knew he could be romantic," said Mal

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