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Shivika reached Mr

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Shivika reached Mr. John office, going inside the office; they saw Mr. John waiting for them along with his secretary

Mr. John greeted Shivika and took them to meeting room

Anika muttered rude when again, she saw him not greeting them, but this time shivay heard her

Mr. John had already entered the meeting room,

It was only Shivika outside

Anika looked at him confused when she saw him turn and look straight into her eyes

S-“Don’t you think calling your Boss, Jerk and rude would cost you heavy Miss Trivedi” he stress on the word cost making her confuse and yet scare coz his voice was deep and the sentence had hidden meaning

A-“Umm, Mr. Oberoi?”

S-with smirk “Trust me Miss Trivedi, soon I’m going to make those mouth shut” saying he went inside, leaving all confused Anika,

A-in mind “what he meant by shut my mouth, from what, ho god is he going to glue my mouth”

(Hahaha, only if she know he had other plan to shut her mouth, poor Anika)

Shaking her head, she went inside the meeting room; she cursed him when she saw the smirk not leaving his face
The meeting ended after two hours, by now Anika was hell tired and more over she was hungry like hell

She saw him still talking to Mr. John

Feeling someone gaze on him, shivay looked aside, he saw her looking at him like a lost puppy, he saw the time, he understood she was hungry

He stood up, breaking her trance and others confuse

S-“Mr. John send the file to my office, I will check and sign the deal, I’ll take leave now”

Saying he turned towards Anika and said

S-“Lets go Miss. Trivedi” saying he left from there,

Anika trailed behind him, not before giving smile to people present in room, for sudden change in her boss
She came down and saw shivay waiting for her

Seeing her near him

S-“What took you long Anika?”

A-“Umm, Nothing, sorry”

S-Shaking his head “Forget it” saying he held the car door for her

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