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Sun rays peeped inside disturbing his sleep

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Sun rays peeped inside disturbing his sleep

Opening his eyes, he smiled as his kitten was all over him and breathe fanning over his neck

Tightening his left hand around her, from other he put all her hair at one side and kissed her bare shoulder which bought a smile on her face

He looked at the clock and it strikes 6'30, he needs to go to his room before her dad knock on the door which leads to doubt as she never locks her door before that she needs to get dressed

Kissing her forehead he tried to wake her up but groaned when she moved in her sleep resulting in their core contact

"Kitten wake up" he again tried to wake her up to which she let out a cry

"What is wrong with you first you didn't let me sleep for the whole night and now you want me to wake up...what you are 'a caveman' hold on your hoses I need sleep" yelling she hugged him tight

While he muttered 'You'll be the death of me Kitten'

"Kitten sleep as much you want but let me get up"

"Shivay open your crap mouth again I chop your head" she again yelled

"You mad women we are in your home where your dad can knock any time I don't mind it but need a cloth on us" he yelled back making her open her eyes in a jerk

"I so hate you Shiv" she whined making him chuckle

Kissing her pout, he sat up holding her, his eyes wander around her room where his eyes successfully noticed his clothes at the corner

Placing her on the bed, he stood up while she whistles looking at him blood rushed to his cheeks making her laugh

"Damn you Oberoi look at you all red" saying she laughed more

Shaking his head at his crazy kitten, he wore his dress all the time her eyes didn't blink, watched him as if he is meat, he was aware of her gaze and equally enjoying it

"Done checking me out?" he asked looking at her who was still drooling over him

"Wh... What me" she asked pointing at her

'as if she didn't eye him, damn woman, wipe out the drool'

Smirking he moved towards her and traced her lips wiped the drool

Embarrassed she just hugged him

'Wow the meow kitten now where is the bold one'

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