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Morning sun rays spread across wishing a beautiful morning

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Morning sun rays spread across wishing a beautiful morning

Shivay woke up and felt heavy on his body, he smiled knowing who it is yesterday night both were busy in talking they didn't know when they doze of

He caressed her hair, this was the best weekend he ever had, he wished the night to never end but at last they have to run an errands

"Kitten wake up" he said caressing her hair

"Lemme sleep more" saying she snuggled him, making him smile

Kissing her hair, he shouted morning

She woke up with jerk and sat on him

She started to hit his arms making him laugh more

"Stupid idiot BagadBilla, how dare you"

He held her hands and crashed his lips on her silencing her

She felt what a blissful day to start

After breaking the kiss, he kissed forehead, wishing her Morning to which she hugged and wished him back

Both stood up and left for their respective rooms
Anika came to her room and found her bitches sleeping like log

Shaking her head she saw the time, she still had time for office

She came towards Gauri and shook her, Ri made irritated face and woke up and glared Anika, ignoring her glare she woke up the other two

A-"Stop glaring me dumbasses we have office to go"

That's hit their minds and all there jumped from bed searching for their shopping bags

A-"Bitches borrow my dress" saying she hit Ri

All girls rushed to Anii closet and chose the dress, Anika let them to guest room to get changed
Anii came down and saw everyone in dining room waiting for her

She wished everyone and kissed Daadi's cheeks

Shivay smiled and gave her small smile which see happily returned one

She went and sat next to Bhavi

All had their breakfast and left foe the work

Anii driver dropped the girls where ShivOmRu left in their cars
Anii was working in cabin, her day for today was packed coz her BagadBilla had meetings to go on

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