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Holla Lovelies

Look who's back

*sheepish grin*


I know this is the longest MIA I went and I'm go grateful for all your love and patience

I had been receiving your love and encouragement and eagerness for update so here it is

Though the ending is not what you all expecting it's was decided when I started to write this

Without leading to any further confusion fellas dwell into it

Shivay along with Aru rushed Ani to hospital, it was shock to people around to see the great Shivay Singh Oberoi miserable and the core shocking to see him begging doctor to save his love life

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Shivay along with Aru rushed Ani to hospital, it was shock to people around to see the great Shivay Singh Oberoi miserable and the core shocking to see him begging doctor to save his love life

Ani was rushed to OT, Aru placed his hand on Shivay shoulder saying him to be strong he rushed inside OT promising he wouldn't let anything happen to his sister and his love

As soon the red light lit Shivay's heartbeat skipped its beat

He stood gazing at the OT room and soon his phone pinged with text

Looking at the text his muscle's got rigid, anyone could see the nerves popping out, his eyes as red as angry bull

He replied back not to show any mercy He rushed towards Aru who just came out of OT concerned and afraid of losing her he freaked and asked "What happened Aru"

"Shivay we got problem, we don't know what that Nagin has given to her, it like only she can say what she has given to her and antidote for that" he sounded mad while saying "if we don't find the antidote we can't save both of them" he cried out he wasn't able to digest his sister pale face and his unborn Niece/Nephew, even though he's emotionally drained out it showed his mental ability as a doctor

"You don't worry about that, I'll get you the antidote, no can take away her from me, even if it meant to fight death I'll bring her back" Aru looked at how determined Shiv was and just like that he no needed any other promises or words he knew this man wouldn't let anything happen to her

Giving assuring looking Aru rushed back inside OT
At the same time on the other side, his brothers and right man were on fire after all it was Ana who was struggling she's no less for them, it wouldn't be a lie if addressed as their life over a time she indeed became their life and now their is one more soul inside her and more reason for them to awaken the monster inside them

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