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Shivika were in each other embrace, Shivay was so happy that she forgave him little did he know his lady has other plans

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Shivika were in each other embrace, Shivay was so happy that she forgave him little did he know his lady has other plans

S-"Kitten I'm so happy that you forgave me"

She came out from his embrace and looked at him as if he has grown a horn

A-"Shiv forgave you?" She looked at him confused

S-"Yep baby, didn't you forgive me for hiding a part of me"

Anika started to laugh while he looked at her dumbfounded why was she laughing

A-"Shiv, you serious what makes you think I forgave you"

S-"Kitten you aren't angry anymore, moreover you heard me and still in my arms what's all that mean"

A-"Ho God shiv, I might not be angry but that doesn't mean I forgave you I'm still upset with you, forgiving you do you truly thought I would let this go easily?" She said glaring at him

S-"Fhat the wuck"

A-"Shut up"

S-"You can't be serious are you?"

Looking at her pointed glare which pretty much told him she isn't kidding

S-"come on Kitten"

A-"No, I might have heard you but it's late you still hid that from me hid the part of you"

S-"But now I told you everything I'm on a clean slate"

A-"That's doesn't mean I'll forgive you not this easily what if in the future you try to hide things from me this is a lesson for you"

S-"But kitten didn't you gave me enough silent treatment not to forget the scolding glares"

A-"Wait are you complaining now like seriously you think you have got hands-on it now"

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