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Anika looked at him, if looks could kill he would be six feet under now

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Anika looked at him, if looks could kill he would be six feet under now

*Ho, him six feet under, is that even possible*

"What the fuck is this, you said food is ready" she screamed and threw the spoon he dogged escaping from it

"Kitten, listen I


One thing he got to know never to mess with hungry kitten

His Adam apple danced up and down making it look bounteously sexy

"Haa" he hissed when he felt her bite his arms

"Kitten lemme explain"

"Explain what this *pointing towards kitchen* even I'm so generous to know, enlighten me how did you manage to cook a delicious meal, the aroma and black paint on it, ho I'm so sorry go ahead explain me"

The sarcasm and the bad witch she's it knocked the stuffing out of him

Is this his Kitten or the lost wicked soul found its way into her

He watched her arching brows, the angry Kitten, with the evildoer lips so enkindling to feasting on, whipping out all his cells

He smiled looking at her

*could that be worse?*

"Haaa" he screamed his lungs out felt his hair screaming too

Why not his smile infuriate the wild kitten

"Haa, no, no, not my Hair Kitten, not my Hair"

"Fuck your Hair" she screamed

*Is the worst now*

He pushed her hands off, ran into kitchen grabbing the sandwich he shove it inside her mouth Just like the Lucifer turn into human form now she look less the witch his innocent Kitten more

She started to have sandwich something is better than skin burnt and this was right there satisfying the elephant in the stomach

She sat in the chair and ate her sandwich while he placed the latte for her

He rushed back to kitchen and started to bake pancake, in order to satisfy the hungry tigress, and vowed never to keep her starving and never to mess with the hungry kitten

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