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Shivika were kissing each other unaware of the eyes behind the shade watching them capturing their moment

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Shivika were kissing each other unaware of the eyes behind the shade watching them capturing their moment

Shivika broke the kiss, gasped for air, they look a mess a lovely mess

Joined their foreheads, smile and glow slithered on their face

Both felt content a feeling of year's of yearning

Shivay kissed her forehead promising to be her shield facing the odds not letting it reach her feet,  promising himself to take care of her till his last breath

For him she is like a blooming flower a feeling of happiness, dancing under the sun cherishing the soul, in ever filled darkness a hope of light, gold which never losses its epitome, a rare gem red beryl he was lucky enough to find it one and now he would do anything to protect his gem even if it meant to stake his life he would never step back

Anika looked at the blue orbs it's just a feeling when a kid sees beach could it be explained in words no it could only be let it inflow enjoying with it, that was her state she was not in a state to explain it all she could to drown in those orbs a peace, a promise of life, togetherness

She giggled at the thought 'how did the jerk fall in love with her'

Shivay who heard her giggle which is his source of glee raised his brows asking her what's the reason

She shrugged her shoulder making him confuse

He let go of it knowing it's about him surely she wouldn't say it now but when the time comes she wouldn't shut her mouth boosting her showing him what a jerk he was

Shivay held his hand for her

She got up holding his hand, both walk back enjoying the moment

Shivay helped her in settling down, marching to another side he took his seat and drove towards OM

Both reached OM, steeping inside they were confused seeing the darkness around, just like a storm they heard a loud squeal and blast sound, lights were on and there stood their family grinning ear to ear

S-"What's all this"

R-"Can't you see, *Smirking* ho wait how can you nowadays your eyes busy ogling at my beautiful or eye eating her or eye flirting her, maybe it lost its power of seeing anything apart from beautiful"

Others giggled except Shivika 

S-"Rudy, my brother go on saying later don't blame me I didn't warn you, one more word and you, my dear brother will take charge of my next project not only that forget the car you have been bugging me"

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