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Shivay sleep got disturbed listening to the commotion in the room, opening his eyes he saw the clan and Daadi in the room, he was surprised to see Arnav

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Shivay sleep got disturbed listening to the commotion in the room, opening his eyes he saw the clan and Daadi in the room, he was surprised to see Arnav

"Look, you guys woke him up," said Om pointing towards Shivay and glared MalRu and RiVya who were arguing over a silly topic

"What are you guys doing here," asked Shivay looking at them

Daadi came towards him and kissed his forehead and hit his head

"Daadi, what's this one minute you showered love and another minute showering your anger" wined Shiv

"Idiot thank me I didn't kick your donkey ass for your stunt," she said glaring at him

"But Daadi Bro's ass doesn't look like a donkey ass right?" Asked Ru scratching his head thinking whether his brother has a donkey alike ass

Everyone at once screamed "Shut up Rudy", which broke Anika's sleep

Opening her eyes she looked at everyone

"When did you all come?" she asked looking at MalRiVya, ArOmRu she couldn't see Daadi as she was at Shiv's side of the bed

"When you were sleeping like Kumkaran over Shiv chest, witch" Aru said smirking at her while she rolled her eyes and looked at Shiv, her gaze fell on Daadi

Daadi smiled at her which she returned one, it looks like they spoke unspoken words

"You okay?" Anika asked Shivay to which he kissed her forehead and nodded his head lovingly which earned "Aww" from Girls boys just smiled looking at the couple

Anika entangled herself and stood up, she looked stress-free now looks like all her baggage were gone

"I need a coffee, anyone wants one?" she asked looking at others

"You sit we go get for everyone," said Mali

"No, I need fresh air I go get for everyone" saying she left from there but Aru tagged her along

Coming out of Shivay's room, the whole floor was allotted for him, it looked like a royal room than a hospital room, Aru held his sister's hand and took her aside

"You okay baby sis?" he asked looking at her cause he had never seen her break down seeing her go weak day by day broke his heart

He came the other day when Om had called him and said about Anika's health, she had become weak seeing Shivay in bed, not waking up, they hadn't informed him about Shivay admitted to the hospital but they didn't have any choice when Anika was adamant and was neglecting her health

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