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AniAru reached the stable, settling inside the car, Aru looked at her

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AniAru reached the stable, settling inside the car, Aru looked at her

"She's one crazy with daydreaming"

"Ho trust me how badly I wanted to slap the shot out of her but remained calm didn't want to create a show for myself" said Ana as she recalled the Mall incident

"Whatever what's her Name again Umm...Nagin, I have never seen any lady like her disgusting" saying Aru made faces making Ana laugh what both bro-sis forgot is that

'Every snake has a day, some are dangerous life taker, some seems harmless but the bite does leave an impact, the moral never underestimate none, you never know when where how they surprise you'

AniAru reached their mansion, they saw their GF waiting for them

"You both done with shopping"

"Don't ask, this GF of yours made my day hell, unsatisfied woman made me run shop by shop with all the bags" whined Aru

"Get up from her lap that's my place you donkey ass" saying she pushed him aside

"What can I do if your lazy ass is as lazy as you," said Ana to which he twists his mouth while their Grans held back her chuckle

"Okay fine, you both stop this banter tell me how all other work going, when are Oberoi's and your friends landing GF"

"Everything going as smooth as ice GF, about Oberoi’s and my friends they will be landing tomo"

"That's great, you both go freshen up and come back lets have lunch"

AniAru kissed her cheeks and headed towards their room

'About their Mom Dad, they went to hospital remember even they are doc's'

Reaching her room, she thought to shower first

After 15 mins she came out wrapped in towel and heard her phone ring

Looking at the screen, her face broke into smile as it was her boyfriend face-timing her

"Hey babe" she greeted him excitement danced in her tone why not as the wait is over and he would be here tomo

But the other side Shiv sat still seeing his Kitten all fresh and water droplets dripping near her valley region, he found it hard inside, she looked incredibly tempting

Ana frowned upon not seeing any reaction from him but looking at his eyes which stayed on her realization hit her

A- Smirking "Like what you seeing Mr. Oberoi"

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