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It's been five days, five torturers night I never knew my kitten could be one hella torturers vixen hanging me every night

Still remembering the dangerous night where she left me hanging send a chill down my spine -Flashback-

"You fucking kidding me"

I shouted listening to it Hazit what’s running in her mind, seriously without touching her for fucking 11 days what’s with the hours and mins

"Do I look kidding?" She smirked

Kitten that's bad I wanted to yell but looking at her who look all determined made me shut with the uncertainty of increasing of days

"Kitten what about you, would you able to live without my touch," I asked tracing her thighs knowing very well she can't resist me

But she slapped my hands and said

"Ho Baby what makes to think that, didn't you hear me out, then listen as clear as the ocean 'I said you can't touch me didn't mean I can't'"

As soon those words left her mouth all I could say

"Fhat the wuck"

-FB End-

To say she was lying would be a mountain lie she was being real and showed me the hell

She wouldn't let me touch her, if I tried to touch her she would leave me like a clown but torture me with her every not so innocent touch damn I’m doomed

For the first time, I didn’t want her anywhere near me especially at night that's not the night but a bloody nightmare to me

My thoughts all run dirty seeing her nothing but in seductive dress which barely cover my prey from my eyes as tempting it is and desperation of savoring it but couldn't is as awful as being in a coma.

Right now I'm doing my work it's the only good thing so far cause my lady is not at home as she and my brothers had gone to drop Aru, he's heading back to LA, I'm grateful to him if not the only sane person I would have ended up in an asylum cause of my brothers who don't leave a single chance in making me mad to add up my Kitten taking their side the only person who supported me was Aru but now back to one

I was working on my laptop that's when my Kitten oops the Vixen entered our room

"Argh, you never listen to me" saying she glared at me, I know why but can't help it I would go mad without doing any work now when I'm perfectly fine but my family who thinks I still need to get rest pttf what can I say

I ignored her it's better as she looking tempting in a white single strap crop top paired with olive green denim shorts

"Are you ignoring me" came her complain voice

'Well yes milady' I wanted to say but kept quiet to see what she would do

"You jerk" saying she came towards me and snatched the laptop from me and still I didn't respond which certainly irritated her

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