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Holla ❣

Look who's back....sheepish grin me...me

Missed me

I missed you all and writing

Thank you all for your patience and support dive in and lemme know how's the chap....

OmRu were yelling at their men's, girls were divested, Gran was praying to God, all the while Aru sat motionless worried about two lives

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OmRu were yelling at their men's, girls were divested, Gran was praying to God, all the while Aru sat motionless worried about two lives

Somewhere in shady woods


Argh, the throbbing pain in my head feels like a hammer hit

With lot of struggle I opened my eyes and this place seems shady

'Where the hell I'm'

I looked around and gasped seeing Shivay pick all around and mine with cross on it

Wait! Wait! What's happening here

Holly f****** s*** she kidnap me, the last I remember her shoving napkin near my nose bloody b****

Ho gawd she's crazy and obsessed with Shiv, all these photos only prove she's psychopathic stalker

Gawdd where am I stuck

"Nice you're up b****"

I frowned and looked at her

"Why the hell am I here Ragini" I shouted here but that psycho laughed

'Did I crack a joke?'

"Acting innocent are we?" Saying she smirked how badly I wanted to hit the hell out of her

"What the hell is wrong with you if Shiv gets to know he won't spare your life" I venom out

This women gets in my nerves

'Ouch' that's hurt, she bloody slapped me

"You b**** you think he will save you from me, no never, I won't let that happen, you'll die before he reaches you and you blood how dare you claim him yours he's mine and blood seed inside you its a mistake, it shouldn't have happened"

She shouted like manic but what caught my attention is the words she threw, seed...mistake No...no...she can't be knowing about it...does she?

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