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After dinner Anika held daadi's hand and took her to room, not before wishing oberoi brothers good night, they were happy seeing her caring nature, how she cared for their daadi

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After dinner Anika held daadi's hand and took her to room, not before wishing oberoi brothers good night, they were happy seeing her caring nature, how she cared for their daadi

Anika made daadi sleep and kissed her cheek wishing good night, she covered her with quilt, switching off the light, she came out and closed the door,

All these was watched by oberoi brothers for the first time, they felt bliss no one except them was there for their daadi, since the day she showed up their daadi had this beautiful smile on her face which they never saw and wished to remain same
Shivay was working in his laptop but he couldn't concentrate on his work, his mind wandered in her thoughts, he smiled remembering how she kissed his daadi cheek and made her sleep

He closed his laptop, for the first time in his life, he ignored his work, he went to sleep but her eyes, her smile everything was haunting him, feeling exhausted he shut his eyes tight

On other side Anika's state was not less, certain bagadbilla had captured her mind and heart, she turned left and right, yet she was not sleepy, she hit her head for thinking about him, there is something about him, which she want to discover, sighing she hugged her pillow and closed her eyes wishing she would sleep without his thoughts
Next Day,

"Shiv...vay" she moaned in his mouth, both were sucking each other lips like a the world will end if they stop, his hand reached inside her top and caressed her bare stomach, she held his shoulder for support

"Anika" moaning he held her more close leaving no gap for air to escape, she left his shoulder and pulled him by his hair in such a force, both fell on bed,

Shivay switched their position, now shivay was on top of her, breaking the kiss, both looked at each other, their breathe got mixed in air, both looked like mess, panting hard to breath

His hand reached to remove her top but

"Fhat the Wuck"

Saying he opened his eyes in jerk, he sat sweating, his hand reached to calm his heartbeat, it looked real, he looked at the source which broke his dream, his alarm clock, if not it had ringed in right time, probably he would have done sin in his dream

Though it was dream it looked all real, he slapped his head for thinking dirty, he scolded himself cursed himself and her for invaded his dream, turning him on even in his dream, what was she capable of doing

Shaking his head, he left to get ready,
Anika woke up hearing her alarm clock, she looked at time and sat on bed and stretched her hands and hugged herself wishing her happy day

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