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Shivay looked at her she was smirking seeing his state

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Shivay looked at her she was smirking seeing his state

He gripped her hips making her jump, such that their private parts came into contact

A low moan escaped from their mouths, she closed her eyes with sudden contact of their parts, it sent shiver down their spine

Shivay opened his eyes and looked at her, he smirked seeing her closed eyes, she had fisted both her hands, her cheeks had turned bright red she was looking just like red apple

He held her chin, she opened her eyes

Both were lost in each other's eyes, she fluttered her eyelashes

He inched closer to her face

His lips made its way towards her earlobe, he kissed her earlobe and whispered

"Are your eyes Blushing Kitten"

She was taken back from the sudden turn of table

She blushed hard, her cheeks pained from all the blushing

He sucked her earlobe making it hard for both

Suddenly he left her and placed her on couch making her confuse

He stood up and looked at her, as soon the words left his mouth, she turned her face giggling at his state

"I badly need a cold shower now"
Anika was scrolling her phone, she wondered why didn't her idiot friends didn't contact her

With the thought of calling them, she called Gauri but to her surprise she didn't pick the call

She tried Mal even she didn't pick her call

Her last hope was Bhavi and her face lost its color when she didn't pick the call

The only thought crosses her mind, was they safe, it's the first time they didn't pick her call, if it's was one she wouldn't have bothered but all the three didn't pick the call, it scared her

Shivay came out of taking one long cold shower, he went out and saw her still in the same place where he left but immersed in deep thought

He went near her and placed his hand on her shoulder

She jumped with the sudden touch

"Relax Kitten it's me"

"Shivay you scared me" she said keeping her hands near her chest

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