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Haa why does my body feels rip

That's the voice it's sound familiar, yes it's my Kitten's voice but why is she crying

What does she saying why does it feel vulnerable

I want to open my eyes but it's like something in me holding me back all I could hear her say my



But it's not the same feeling she sounds ailing, my head it's hurts I feel my body is on rail and crushed into pieces

"Shiv wake up, I love you please"

Kitten, I love you too I wanted to say but nothing came out as if it's jammed for year's

I could hear her say but it's hurt to hear her painful voice

What's happening here, with a lot of battle I tried to open my eyes and breathed heavily

"Shiv, you woke up"

I could see tears in her eyes, what does she mean I woke up, wasn't I in Russia when did she come

I looked around to see white ceilings, I tried to lift my hand but winched in pain

"Shiv, you okay" I could see the stress on her forehead

I looked at her, she looks different and skinny as if not eaten for days, the dark circles under her eyes, especially the twinkle is no more

"Ki...Kitten" I was surprised with my voice it sounds scratchy

She looked at me with so many emotions but what caught me off guard is hurt I could see hurt in her eyes

"Kitten" I called her again not bothering about the pain I stretch my hand and caressed her cheek, tears made through her eyes

She hugged me as if her life depended on me and started to cry

"Why, why, Shiv, you promised you'll come back soon but look at you this how you come back all broken, you hurt me Shiv, I thought I lost you" saying she sobbed on my chest

"Kitten stop crying, look I'm fine" I tried to coo her but it backfired me I could see the rage in her eyes

"Fine my foot you jerk, do you even know for how many days you were out, a week, you passed out for a week and woke up now"

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