03 - A Warm Welcome

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It didn't feel like it but, Thomas and I were talking for about 2 hours. Time sure flies when you're having a good time! I reached there at 4:00 PM and now it's 6:15 PM.

I looked at my surroundings. It was such a happening place. People were talking, laughing, having a good time. The sun had set about 10 minutes ago.

"So, did James Daniels tell you anything about the movie?" Thomas asked, which brought me back to reality. "Umm, no nothing at all. He didn't mention it. I... haven't met him yet. Like talked to him. He was busy," I answered, a bit lost.

I'd gotten comfortable with Thomas. He was quite interesting actually! He told me about his family and his life as an actor and all the 'adventures' he has had. My life was kind of boring compared to his. I hesitated a little when it came to my turn to speak.

"I think we should go talk to him now so that we can get started with the script and all," Thomas suggested. "Yeah okay," I said and got up from my seat. Thomas did the same and we started our hunt to find James.

We asked a lady who was one of the make up artist and she said that James was preparing for his 'Welcome speech' that usually directors give on the first day of the set. She suggested that we talk to him after the speech.

After knowing where James was, we just stood next to the meeting point where everyone was supposed to join. I felt a bit chilly even though I was wearing a sweater. I crossed my arms to conserve body heat. I was shivering.

"You okay? Feeling cold?" Thomas asked with concern. I nodded in reply. "Do you want my jacket?" He offered. "No I'm... fine. I'll have some coffee and I'll be fine," I replied. "Are you sure? I don't want you getting cold and sick," Thomas said with a caring look.

Aw he cares! He's so sweet! I thought.

"No I'm fine thank you! You're so kind!" I smiled at him. He gave me a smile which just warmed my insides, making me feel nice.

I looked around and could see that everyone was starting to surround us. Old and young, happy and serious. All types of people were here, working on this film. I love interacting and meeting new people even though it makes me a bit nervous.

This is going to be so much fun! I thought.

"Hello hello everyone! Welcome to the set! I am so glad that we have all gathered and this film can finally get started!" This was James Daniels. Cheery and fun living was the kind of person he was. Well, at least it seemed like it. "Thank you all for coming. Now to get to business. We have completed the script and organised the schedule. I've decided that because I have called everyone all together and haven't given the actors the script, we will start filming in two weeks. I will be talking to the actors about it, so actors, don't worry! Everyone else knows what they are supposed to do.

"Make up artists and costume designers, you should be taking care of all the make up and outfits,sorting which ones to wear when. Location organisers should know where we will be when. Technical specialists, I still haven't assigned and explained what to do so, I'll be speaking to you for a couple days. And all others, you know what you have to do! Everyone will get a script so we can all be on the same page and there's no confusion.

"Well I think that's it really. Again, I'm so glad everyone could make it and we all are going to have a blast working on this film. It's going to be EPIC!" James ended his words and everyone cheered and clapped.

All the people slowly and gradually dispersed from the area and went to continue whatever they were doing. Me and Thomas were left to stand there alone.

"Sorry guys that I didn't get to speak to you! We'll be able to talk with no interruptions now!" James explained and I smiled. "Come now, I'll tell you everything and give you the script! Finally!" James informed and started walking. Thomas and I walked behind him.

We played 'follow the leader' for about two minutes. Thomas and I were lead to a small tent which had a table, two chairs and lots of books, papers and some equipment I didn't quite recognise!

"I hope you don't mind the mess! A lot is happening at once," James said as he scavenged for something in the pile of papers placed on his desk. "Ah here they are!" He had two large brown envelopes in his hands. They both had big labels. One said 'SCRIPT FOR ELLIE', the other 'SCRIPT FOR THOMAS'.

James handed us the envelopes and said,"Here you go! Those are your scripts. Finally you guys got it! Yay! Now inside there is a paper that gives the full description about the whole movie, and when you read through the script I think you guys will understand what it's about!"

"Yeah... well, thank you for the scripts and really looking forward to the shoot!" Thomas thanked. I smiled and nodded. "Great! Now you guys should go to the eating area. I've arranged for dinner for everyone. It's 6:50 PM now, dinner will be served at about 7:00 PM," James informed. We both said goodbye, shook hands with James and were on our way to eat dinner.

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