10 - Vanished Voice

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Chirp! chirp! Tweet!
Tap tap tap!

I woke up to the sight of birds: 2 pigeons, a blackbird and a robin, sitting on the widow sill and pecking on the window. I smiled, till they all flew away. It was as if they wanted to wake me up, like they were my alarm.

I couldn't remember much of what happened yesterday. Thomas and I were watching a movie, Inception. The rest was a blank. I probably fell asleep before the movie ended.

My head was rested on something hard. Obviously not my pillow. I lay on my right side, my left arm stretched out and was placed on something flat, slowly moving up and down. I could hear soft and steady breathing. I tried to move my other hand but it gripped something very tightly. I peeked under the covers and found that my hand held another. I turned my head back to find Thomas sleeping. He looked so peaceful that I...

And then it hit me. I was sleeping with him. Like literally, with him. OH MY LORD!

I immediately sat up and let go of Thomas' hand. "Good morning Ellie," Thomas greeted in his 'morning voice' as he looked at me. I froze instantly. What should I say? I don't even remember when I slept. God knows what happened in the night. Okay stop! Not that I would mind... SHUT UP! I mentally battled with myself to figure out what to say.

Maybe he didn't notice! Wait what? I was literally ON him! Obviously he noticed! I thought.

How could this happen? Now everything would be awkward between us. I don't want our friendship to end.

I have to say something. "I...I...I am..." I stammered as I fiddled with my hands. I just wanted to jump out of the window! Thomas must have noticed how I felt because he held my hands looked me straight in the eye.

"Take a deep breath, and calm down," he instructed. I did as I was told, and suprisingly it worked! I looked back at his deep brown eyes.

"Okay, now that you're calm, what's wrong?" He asked. "I am so sorry... I just... I don't know... I don't know what happened... It will never happen again... I promise," I blurted. That's when the pain started. My throat ached so much that I grabbed it. I coughed and flinched every time I would swallow.

"Oh my God! What's wrong? Are you alright?" Thomas put a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. It felt as if my throat was on fire.

"I don't know, It just..." My throat wouldn't let me speak. It screamed, begging me not to say a word. I whispered to Thomas, explaining what's wrong, "My throat is hurting like hell! I don't know why... My voice is gone."

"Okay umm... You need to take some medicine right now," Thomas said as he got up from the bed. He rushed to the kitchen and rummaged through the drawers and cupboards. I watched him as he ran a hand through his hair, the worry and panic showed on his face.

"Thomas," I said softly. "Thomas, listen," I repeated. He was so occupied in finding something that could help me. "Thomas!" I yelled. "WHAT?!" Thomas shouted as he slammed shut one of the cupboard doors. I felt hurt, what did I do?

I heard Thomas sigh, "I'm sorry. I just... I'm worried about you." I walked up to him as he looked at the floor. I put my hands on his shoulders and said, "Hey, it's okay. I'm not that ill! I'll get better. You don't need to panic."

"Oh! I know what would be good for you! I saw it in that cupboard," he pointed to one of the cupboard at the far end of the kitchen. He opened it and took out a bottle of gold, oozy goodness: honey!

Thomas took a spoon and scooped out a spoonful of honey. He fed it to me, the gooey and sticky substance slipping down my sore throat calmed the pain. "I've heard that honey can help with a sore throat. I think it wotked!" Thomas smiled. I nodded still enjoying the taste.

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