14 - The Performance

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"What am I thinking of now?" Thomas asked. "Me," I said as I texted a friend.

We were playing this guessing game as Thomas drove me home from our date. We went to watch 'The Bourne Legacy' which starred Jeremy Renner. Ugghh.... Jeremy Renner!

It was really good! Thomas would throw popcorn at me sometimes, during the movie, which was really annoying. I have to watch a movie with full concentration and no distractions. I even find talking irritating. But Thomas wouldn't understand.

"Okay, now what am I thinking of?" He asked firmly. I sighed, "Me again."
He was so predictable. "This is a tricky one, you won't guess this. What am I thinking of now?" I could hear the frustration in his voice. He's so determined to win. But what can I do? He's too easy!

"Well, you're thinking of... My eyes, my hair, my lips, my face. Basically me. Thomas I think we should do something else," I said as I started to play with the radio.

"Wait wait wait. How the hell did you guess that I was thinking of your eyes? Are you psychic?" Thomas exclaimed a bit. I laughed, "No I'm not psychic! You looked at me... You were probably trying to find something about me. Trying to trick me... But you failed."

Thomas huffed and stayed quiet. I giggled and pinched his cheek, which made him smiled. He starting tickling me, one hand on the wheel and the other making me laugh to death.

"Tho-mas! Pl-pl...ease stop! See? My we reached my house. Now st-stop!" I was in tears. I'm extremely ticklish and Thomas knows that.

Thomas stopped right outside my building. I was about to go out when Thomas held my hand. "Hey El, I was wondering... You know how I play bass guitar and that my family and I perform at a bar. Would you like to come? We're performing on Saturday," Thomas asked. I kissed his cheek and replied, "Of course! I would love to come!"

"Okay, so see you Saturday then!"

This is going to be exciting. I can't wait to see Tommy perform. I've never actually seen him play any instrument or perform on stage. There's YouTube but... That can't beat the real thing!


"What should I wear... Let's see," I scavanged through my wardrobe for something perfect. Not too fancy, but cute at the same time!

"Nope. Nope. No way! Oh nice... Nope!" I huffed as I threw my clothes all around. Just a towel was wrapped around me. It felt as if it would come off any second.

I finally found the perfect outfit! A white top, with a frilly-thing at the bottom, it looked like a mini dress, and black tights. For shoes, black and white striped pencil heels, and a hand purse.

I made myself pretty by covering my face with make up. Not a lot of course! I'm a true believer of natural beauty!

I looked at myself in the mirror for the last time. I was speechless. I was starting to fall in love with myself, no joke!

I looked at the time and it was 4:45 PM. I'm supposed to reach the place at 5 to 5:15 PM. I walked out my door and locked it behind me. I double-checked to make sure that I had my phone, my lipstick, chewing gum and whatever else I needed. Chewing gum is life!

I put on my wooly, grey trench coat because it was freezing. I hailed a cab and sat inside. Soon, I was on my way to the bar.


I paid the cab driver and walked towards the bar. I could see from the window that there were quite a few people inside. I messaged Thomas that I reached and asked him where he was.

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