05 - Good Morning

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Clang! Tong! Cling!

Who the hell is making so much noise in the morning? I thought, half awake, half dreaming.

I was just about to continue my 'uninterrupted' sleep when a smell filled the room. It wasn't just any smell, a really really good one! It was the smell of food. I couldn't resist so I forcefully opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the light from the window. I covered my eyes with my hands and squinted as I got used to the piercing pain.

I looked at the clock. 8:40 AM.

Wow! That's early! I thought.

I got up from my bed and stretched like I have never done before. As I walked to the kitchen, the aroma grew and grew. It was so tempting!

I peered into the kitchen and saw that one person, my room mate, Thomas Sangster. He was searching the cupboards above the stove for  something. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey! Good morning. You're awake early!" Thomas greeted as he closed the cupboard door. He was still wearing his pajamas. I smiled, "Good morning Thomas! I don't mean to be rude but... why are you up so early?" I asked. "I woke up at around 7:50 AM and then couldn't sleep," Thomas answered. "Oh, are you home sick? Missing family? Missing your girlfriend, huh?" I questioned. There was an uncomfortable 5 second pause between us. Thomas ran a hand through his hair and scratched the back of his head.

"Umm... well we... broke up before I came here to film. She just... moved on, that's all," Thomas replied sadly.

I mentally slapped myself.

Well done Ellie! Amazing thing you've done! Brought his ex girlfriend up! Good job. You deserve an award! I thought.

"Oh... I am so sorry! I didn't know. I was just wond..." I said. "No, it's fine! You wouldn't have known..." Thomas interrupted. We were silent for a few seconds as Thomas continued to cook something.

"Anyways, what are you doing early in the morning?" I asked as I stood right next to Thomas at the stove. "I am cooking breakfast for the two of us!" Thomas answered. "What's in the menu, chef?" I questioned.

"Well madam, today there is a mixture of good things. There are sausages, omelete de fromage (cheese omelete) and orange juice de carton. And a little bread. All for the lovely madam to eat!" Thomas explained in a french accent. I laughed at his cuteness. "That menu is perfect! I never knew you could speak French Thomas!" I said between laughs. "I am talented! My french is rusty but, I wouldn't mind learning some!" Thomas said. "Well 'chef', anything I could help with?" I asked. "No! No! This is a job for a chef! Madam will not help me!" He commanded as he stroked his invisible mustache. "Fine. Well in that case, I'm going for a shower. I expect everything to be ready when I finish!" I ordered. "Madam will not be disappointed!" Thomas smiled and winked at me.

I exited the kitchen and walked to the bathroom. I was just about to switch on the lights of the bathroom when...

"DAMN IT! OW! JESUS CHRIST!" Thomas yelled. Hearing that I ran back to the kitchen. "What happened Thomas?! Did you get hurt?" I asked with worry. "Yeah I just, burnt my hand because of the pan! OW!" Thomas explained. I looked at him with pity. My eyes wandered to the ground, which was covered with bits and crumbs of the bread Thomas was toasting on the stove. "Oh... that. Umm, it fell when I burnt my hand..." Thomas said. I looked at him and felt sad. I just wanted to give him a tight hug but well...

"No worries! I'll clear that up. What I'm worried about is that hand of yours!" I told. My eyes turned to his hand and I reached to get it. Thomas hesitated and kept his hand to himself. "I don't bite Thomas! I want to help you," I comforted. He eventually gave me his hand and I held it.

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