07 - Lunch Is Served

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I was sitting at a table that had 5 other people. Thomas was one of them and was sitting next to me, gobbling his Alfredo pasta.

It was lunch time and we had just finished reading half of the script. It went really well! Reading through with everyone else, helped in understanding it more.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" Thomas asked, curiously. "Nah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking," I replied and smiled. Thomas took another mouthful of pasta. "Don't be like that! It tastes really good, you have to try!" Thomas insisted. I looked at him and he looked back at me straight in my eyes. He took a forkful of pasta and put it infront of my mouth. I shook my head, telling him that I didn't want any, even though it looks and smells amazing!

"Come on Ellie. Please, for me! Just once. If you don't like it I won't force you, okay? Please," Thomas persisted and then pouted.

That broke me. He looked so adorable I just wanted to...

I sighed while maintaining eye contact. "Fine. You win. But only one!" I gave in. "YESSSS! Trust me, you will love it," Thomas said with a smile.

Thomas fed me like how a parent would feed they're child.

The moment I started chewing, the flavors burst into something amazing. The hot and runny sauce complemented with the fusilli pasta. After much pleasure, I swallowed. Thomas was looking at me, eager to know how I found it.

"So how was that?" Thomas said with a grin. "It was good!" I responded. Thomas then gave me a fork and said, "Have some with me. I won't be able to finish everything."

I wasn't so hungry but, who can say no to some delicious food?

"Okay fine," I surrendered. I then took a big forkful of pasta and enjoyed every bit of it.

About half an hour later, the plate of pasta was spotless and my stomach was stuffed. Me, Thomas and the rest of the people at our table were having a round of coffee.

"So how was the read through?" I turned to the source which was James. He was sitting at our table. "Oh it was great! I had alot of fun and I've understood the plot more, now that all the actors said their dialogues," I replied.

"It helped that you were explaining the settings and camera movements and things like that while we were reading. So.... yeah, it went really well," Thomas said as he took another sip of his coffee. "Well, we still have the other half of it left. It would probably take an hour to an hour and a half to complete," James explained, "I think we should start now so that we can end early and I can chat with the crew members."

Job done, going home

"Thank you so much, James! I had a lot of fun, and I'm pretty sure Thomas had fun as well!" I thanked James. "It was my pleasure, and I enjoyed too!" James said with a big smile.

10 minutes back, we had finished the script read through and all the cast members were going back to the hotel.

"So we'll see you in about 2 weeks then?" Thomas asked. "Yeah. You guys don't have anything important to do just to memorise your lines and practice as much as you can! I'll update you everyday about what's happening and will remind you about when to come to set," James explained.

"Okay thanks. Well, till then, farewell!" Thomas said and shook James' hand. I did as well. "You both take care and see you soon!" James said.

We waved goodbye one last time and exited the building. A bus was standing there and the other actors were getting in.

Thomas and I boarded the bus and sat down. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

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