15 - The Premiere

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2 and a half months later

"Yeah exactly! I told him that but he doesn't understand. I'm glad you do. He's such a sweet heart! I'm so thankful that I have him. Tonight will be amazing, hopefully. I just hope- mum, I'm getting another call. I'll call you back in a bit," I said and switched the line on the phone.

"Hello?" I said. "Hey El! What's up?" Thomas said with a cheerful voice. I was sitting on my sofa sipping on my steaming-hot cup of coffee.

"Nothing much. I'm just snuggled into a thick blanket, drinking some coffee and browsing through Twitter. What about you?" I said, a little dull. "Oh mind if I join the snuggling?" Thomas said. I could hear the mischief in his voice. "Oh stop it Tom!" I laughed.

"Anyways... I'm just sitting here looking through my wardrobe for something suitable to wear tonight. What about you? Are you excited? Do you have something to wear?" Thomas asked.


Oh my God. I've been waiting for this day since... a really long time and, it's finally here! I don't know if I'm supposed to be ecstatic or nervous to death.

Tonight's the premier for 'Pursuit Of Happiness', the movie that Thomas and I acted in. It's also the time when the world will know that we both are in a relationship. It's cute that we're together but it's just scary, thinking of the reactions that fans would have.

I mean, Thomas is an amazing and handsome and he has quite a few fans. Some fans are just... I don't know how to put it... just 'extreme'. They're are the kind that have this motto: 'If I can't have him, no one can'. I don't want to sound rude or possessive but, yeah.

Anyways, I got the dress for the premier a few days ago. Ava helped me pick it out. It's gorgeous, to be honest. It's a pinkish-peach colour, and has this net with flowers and designs covering the whole thing. I bought the same colour heels and a matching purse to keep the 'essential' stuff.

"Umm El, everything okay? Hello?" I heard Thomas say. I was snapped out of my thoughts, remembering that I was still on the phone talking to him.

"Sorry, yeah everything's okay. I was kind of... lost in my thoughts. And yes, I am super excited and I have something awesome to wear," I said happily.

"Oh really, what is it? Can I see it?" Thomas said eagerly. I shook my head, of course he couldn't see me but... yeah. "Sorry, it's a surprise love! Just wait a few hours," I told him.

We talked for about an hour and by the time we ended it was 4 PM. Two more hours remaining. I got up and went to take a hot and relaxing shower.

I exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my head. I wore my my bathrobe and walked towards my wardrobe. I took out the dress and set it aside. I placed my shoes next to it and walked over to my jewelery cupboard.

I eyes stopped on the one piece of jewellery I held dear to my heart: the earrings Thomas gave me on my birthday. With out questioning, I took them out front their box and put them on.

I stood there blankly. What am I supposed to do now? I have two hours more and I don't plan to spend it standing here jobless.

I sat down on the sofa and switched in the TV. I flipped through the channels till one caught my attention. I stopped on MTV and they were showing an old episode of Teen Wolf.

I absolutely LOVE that TV show! Who wouldn't? At first, before watching it, I thought it was pointless and a waste of time. I mean, werewolves?! Seriously?! But once you start watching it, it's like you're sucked into a black hole. There's no way you can't like it! I only started watching it because of Stiles Stilinski, who's played by Dylan O'Brien.

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