04 - Good Night

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Chicken meatballs, French fries and mash potatoes. One word to describe it all: 'HEAVEN'!

I ate another chicken meatball and 3 French fries at once. "I see that you're hungry!" Someone said, which diverted me from eating. I looked at the source of the voice only to find that it was Thomas, who was sitting next to me.

Great Ellie! You've done it now. He probably thinks you're a fat pig eating like an animal! Stuffing your self with food! I thought.

"Oh umm... I was just... I get hungry sometimes. Like really hungry! I don't eat much usually... sorry," I said, ashamed. "What? Don't be sorry! I love food. It doesn't look like it, me being lean and all but I love it. You can never get enough of food!" Thomas cheerfully said. I smiled at him. It didn't feel as if we had met for the first time 3 hours ago. We were talking to each other as if we've been friends for like, forever!

I was starting to like the atmosphere. We were sitting at a round table with 10 other people. Everyone was so kind, asking about me, complementing me. It made me feel nice inside, like I never want this moment to end.

Everyone laughed and finished up there plates of food. I even finished a cup of coffee while some of the other cast were sharing embarrassing moments that had happened on set.

"Hey guys! How was dinner? I hope it was good," a man's voice came from behind me. I turned around to see that it was James. "Listen. Umm... they're wrapping up all the tables and chairs and the food stuff so I was thinking we should head to the hotel and relax! What do you guys think?"

There were a lot of 'ya' and nods which said that everyone agreed. I was getting tired, not that I have done much but... you know.

We all got up from our seats and James led the way to well... wherever he was leading us.

He brought us to a street, the same street where the taxi had dropped me off when I arrived at the set. There was a crowd of people talking and waiting for the next instruction.

Just then, 2 buses drove up the driveway, waiting to be filled by people. James had told us that some of the cast and crew had already went due to the large amount of people. There were about 40-50 people left here.

"Okay everyone. Listen up! The buses are here and so, we can now get ready to leave. Please take all your belongings and anything else you need with you. Don't leave it here because I guarantee that it will not be here when we tomorrow! Anyways, let's get on the buses!" James announced.

Everyone rushed to the buses and lined up at the door. All of us entered in pairs and took our seats. Thomas and I sat in bus number 2 and our seat was somewhere in the middle. He let me sit next to the window. I love the window seat because I can see everything that passes by.

James had sat on our bus, right at the front next to the driver. The driver pushed the pedal and off we went, on our way to the hotel. To our home... for 3 months!

At the hotel

The bus ride was actually quite fun. From time to time I would look out the window to see where we were headed and what was going on outside. Thomas and I were playing a game where one person has to think of a person/animal/place etc. and the other has to guess what it is by asking questions. I won 6 times and he won 3. We both mostly thought of celebrities. I know more than him on that, obviously! I'm a fangirl myself!

We had reached the hotel and the bus came to a halt right outside the entrance. I couldn't keep my excitement inside and hoped that it didn't show on my face!

Slowly, everyone departed from the bus. I thanked the driver before I got off, just to be kind. I was just about to freak out about my suitcase when I realised that James informed that everyone's luggage was already transported to their respected rooms. How convinient!

ℙ𝕌ℝ𝕊𝕌𝕀𝕋 𝕆𝔽 ℍ𝔸ℙℙ𝕀ℕ𝔼𝕊𝕊 ~ 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now