08 - Surprise!

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2 weeks later (first day of filming)

Beep beep beep.....beep beep beep.....beep beep beep...

My alarm kept going and going because I was too sleepy to get up.

We shouldn't have slept late yesterday, I thought.

Thomas and I were busy playing charades last night. It was lots of fun! Eventually, we ended up playing the 'imitation' game. I don't really know what it's actually called but, one person has to imitate a person or animal while the other tries to guess.

The monotonous sound of my alarm kept going. I groaned, and reached for my phone which was sitting on my bedside table. '9:45 AM' I read off the lock screen.

I got up from my bed and stretched. It was at that moment that I noticed that Thomas was not in bed. Where could he be?

He's probably taking a shower or something, I thought.

The whole hotel room was quiet. A little too quiet.

I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. There was no reply so I slowly opened it. I expected to find Thomas but he wasn't there. I got worried.

"Thomas! Thomas? Where are you?" I called out while searching everwhere. It was as if we were playing a game of hide and seek.

I decided that I'll call him. I hurried to my phone and dialled his number. "Come on, pick up!" I said to myself. The phone kept ringing but no one was picking up. I sighed.

He's probably gone for a walk. He'll be back soon... hopefully, I thought.

I put my worry aside and settled on taking a shower. I walked back to the bathroom and stripped down. The warm water ran down my back and body, making me relaxed and refreshed.

I got out, only wearing a bathrobe. I'll have to change anyways in a while, to go on set. I prepared myself a cup of tea and then sat on the sofa.

This was the best two weeks! I've had the time of my life! Thomas and I have become such good friends, I thought as I took a sip from my tea.

We'd always stay up late laughing, talking, playing around, watching a movie. Though, It wasn't play time always, we also memorised the script.

I've had a crush on Thomas ever since I was young. Ever since I had watched Nanny Mcphee for the first time. That crush was a fan crush. But now after spending so much time with him, I'm kind of liking him, for real.

A couple of days ago, the whole cast had taken a bus that James had hired, to the city. We all quarrelled over where to go and finally ended up at a mall.

The whole cast dispersed into small groups, friends with friends. I ended up with Thomas, which was pretty predictable.

We walked around for quite some time then went to Starbucks. Thomas got a chocolate smoothie and I got an Iced Caramel Macchiato. I try something new every time I go there!

We sat down for atleast one and a half hours until we decided to go to the supermarket. Well, I wanted to go there to get some food.

I got a whole cupboard full of food! Chips and biscuits and chocolate and fruits and vegetables and juice and milk and bread and jam and...


Just then my phone rang, snapping me out from my thoughts. I looked at the screen. My mum was calling.

"Hello?" I said. "Hi dear! How are you? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" My mum's voice, full of excitement.

My birthday? Since when? Was it really today? I thought.

ℙ𝕌ℝ𝕊𝕌𝕀𝕋 𝕆𝔽 ℍ𝔸ℙℙ𝕀ℕ𝔼𝕊𝕊 ~ 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now