17 - A Week At The Glade

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2 weeks later

Thomas' POV

"So you must be excited... that your girlfriend is coming," Dylan stated. Will, Dylan and I were sitting on a table. We were having a short break after shooting since morning.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I am," I replied, slightly off-track. "You don't seem like..." Dylan mumbled as he crossed his arms. "Dude you haven't showed us picture or anything of your girlfriend," Will said.

I looked at him with confusion, "Am I supposed to?" Will nodded and I just shrugged. "If you want to know who she is, you can search her up. Or... you can wait for half an hour," I said as u looked at my watch.

Ellie's plane had landed an hour back and she messaged me that she was almost outside.

I got up from my seat. "I'll be back after a while. Just inform Wes that I've gone to pick up Ellie," I explained. With that, I was on the way to the airport.


Ellie's POV

I walked out of the final airport check, towards the exit. There was a long area where on the other side, people could meet whoever was coming from the planes.

I looked around for Thomas but couldn't see him anywhere. I went a bit ahead, gradually getting closer to the airport exit. Still, no sign of the love of my life. I frowned.

Maybe he's late, I thought. Maybe he didn't come. Maybe he forgot.

All of a sudden, I felt something on my shoulder. I turned to look and found a red rose resting. I quickly turned back, to be greeted by the arms of my Tommy.

"Thomas!" I squealed and hugged him tight. He lifted me a bit and placed a kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his were around my waist. When we pulled away I kissed his cheek.

"I thought you forgot about me!" I said as I softly punched his shoulder. "Me forget you? Of course not!" Thomas said and gave me the rose. I smelled it, loving its fragrance.

We walked, hand in hand, towards his car. He helped me with my trolley bag. We caught up on everything that happened while we were apart as we drove back to the Maze Runner set.

Dylan's POV

"What's taking so long? He has been gone about 40 minutes!" I complained. Will sighed, "Chill man. They should be back by now."

Just then I saw two people approach us. I sat up in my seat when I recognised it was Thomas. He had a girl with him. "Dude, dude, It's Thomas!" I alerted Will and slapped his shoulder.

"That's probably his girlfriend," he said as we both stood up. "She's hot!" I sort of whispered. Will just glared.

Ellie's POV

I saw two guys stand up from their seats. Obviously, I recognised both of them: Dylan O'brien and Will Poulter.

"Hey guys," Thomas said as we neared them, "This is Eleanor." Thomas looked at me, "You probably know who they are."

"Hi I'm Dy-Will" Both of them introduced in unison, I would have called one of them Dywill if I didn't know their names. They both stared at each other, making me chuckle.

I shook their hands and smiled, "You can call me Ellie." They both smiled. We all stood there awkwardly until Dylan spoke, "Hey, have you been around the set? Met everyone else?"

"Well I-" I started but Will interrupted me. "Yeah okay, we'll take care of that!" The both grabbed my shoulders and guided me. "I was actually going-" Thomas tried to stop them but it didn't work. I laughed as I watched Thomas stand all alone, while Dylan and Will blabbed about who knows what.

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