12 - Good Times In The Making

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"Umm hello? Is anyone there? Hello?!"

I was so happy that after a week he finally called. "Yeah hi! Sorry, I'm just a bit happy, hearing your voice!" I said, a little too excitedly.

"I'm so sorry I didn't call! I don't think I can apologize enough. Something was wrong with the telephone line and my WiFi. They thought we didn't pay the bill, so they shut it off. We did pay, there was some confusion. My family's out of town so no one was at home. And yes, I live with my family!" Thomas explained in a rush.

I laughed. He can be really adorable sometimes. "Its cute that you stay with your family. And that's okay, that you had some confusion about your bills," I said.

"I just feel bad that I didn't call you or text you. To make matters worst, after the confusion was cleared, a pipe in my bathroom burst so I had to get it repaired and... Yeah. Its just been a really busy week," Thomas said and sighed. He sounded tired, "So what have you been up to?"

What should I say? I'm not going to say that I was depressed because him. It would be weird. I don't know what I'm going to say.

"Umm, well I... I just felt lonely and bored. I didn't do much. Just here and there, bored to death. I'd try to call you or message you but I thought you'd be busy," I hesitated.

"What? I'm not busy at all! Well, at least now I'm not. I'm never busy for you. You can call me whenever you like. I actually missed your voice, I felt lonely too," Thomas told.

There was a silence between us. An awkward silence.

"Hey El, umm I was thinking... Would you like to hang out some time? Just as friends of course. Maybe go for a movie or have coffee. Its just an idea. Its okay if you don't want to go," Thomas suggested.

"I'd love to, Tommy. It'll be awesome fun. Maybe we could have lunch tomorrow, at around 2 PM?" I asked.

Thomas agreed and said that he'd pick me up. I became really excited! I'm finally going to meet him! It seems like he does care about me.

We talked for almost an hour, discussing nonsense and laughing half of the time. It felt nice to hear his voice. Eventually the call ended, which left me thinking about tomorrow.

The next day

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I'll never be ready in time! Its already 1:30 PM!

I woke up just now. Why the hell did I sleep so late? And my stupid phone's alarm didn't ring! I'm just kidding, I love my phone but sometimes it can be irritating.

I took the quickest shower I have ever taken in my entire life. I was finished and out of the washroom in 5 minutes! Its pretty fast for me!

TING! (SMS ringtone)

From Sangster (Tommy)
Hey Els! Just messaged to remind you that I'll be there by 2 pm okay?
By the way, what's your flat number?
See you soon xx

Not the best time to get a text. I look like a mess, my hair looks like a birds nest and I haven't even changed!

To Sangster (Tommy)
Sure! See you soon! So excited!
Its 2nd floor, 206.

Thank the Lord above that I was smart enough to pick an outfit yesterday. I selected clothes, shoes, jewellery and makeup. THANK GOD!

I changed into a white shirt and wore a beige blazer on top. I wore a beige and pink scarf and torn jeans at the bottom. For shoes I wore pencil heels.

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