18 - I Found What I've Been Looking For

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2 months later

I sat in a cab on my way back home. Thomas requested to come and pick me up but I told him that I'll come home on my own. He had finished shooting a couple of weeks ago, while I was still away filming.

The cab reached my house pretty quickly actually. I paid him the money for the ride and got out. I dragged my trolley bag behind me, exhausted by the hectic day full of walking.

I couldn't wait to relax on my bed and just chill with Thomas.

Thomas... I missed him a lot.

Thinking about him, I picked up my pace. When I reached my house door, I took out my keys and opened the door.

I was immediately hit with an amazing smell. It was the scent of roast chicken.

Yum, I thought, while my mouth salivated.

As I walked closer to the kitchen, I could hear faint humming. I smiled and entered inside. I saw Thomas bent over, looking into the oven while wearing a kitchen glove.

"Ellie! You're home!" Thomas greeted and hugged me tight. He kissed my cheek and I held his free hand.

"It seems like you're having a lot of fun... without me," I pouted, then smiled, "What are you making?"

"A 'Welcome Home!' dinner," Thomas explained, "My own recipe." I grinned at the sound of that, "Sounds amazing. I'm excited."

I walked out of the kitchen and went to my room to keep my trolley bag. I changed my clothes to a T-shirt and pajamas.

The smell intensified and I couldn't help but peek into the oven. The chicken looked appetizing, the skin and sauce bath bubbling.

"When is it going to be ready?" I asked, still looking into the oven. "In about 30 minutes," Thomas said as he looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

I stood up and held his hands, " So what do you want to do? Thomas put on a 'thinking face' and I giggled.

"Well... we could watch Supernatural?" He suggested and my eyes widened. "You watch Supernatural?" I questioned with pure surprise. He nodded and I slapped his arm. "I love Supernatural! Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

He rubbed his arm, "I just started now, while you were gone." "Oh. I've finished it all!" I said with a grin, "What episode are you on?"

"Season two, first episode. So do you want to watch?" He said while walking towards the living room. "Of course I do! How can I say no to Sam and Dean?" I said excitedly.

What we did for the next half an hour was pretty obvious. Thomas took the roast chicken out of the oven and served me a plate. It had the chicken and also some sautéed vegetables and mash potatoes.

"Honestly, this looks amazing! Have you been practicing cooking while I was gone?" I said and raised an eyebrow. He paused then answered me, "Well... that's for me to know and you to never find out." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

I took a little bit of everything and the flavors exploded in my mouth. It tasted as good as it looked.

After devouring the whole plate and taking a second round, all while watching Supernatural, I was satisfied and happy. Thomas sat next to me, an arm around my shoulders.

"No, John..." Tears moistened my eyes as I watched the scene where John fell to the ground after trading his soul to the yellow-eyed demon. Sure he was not such a good dad but sad scenes make me cry.

Thomas looked at me and I smiled just to tell him I was okay. "Okay, to cheer you up... dessert time?" He said while getting up.

I looked at him with confusion, "You made dessert too?" All he did was smirk. I followed him back into the kitchen and watched him take out the dessert.

"OH MY GOD! You made pie?!" I squealed with happiness. "Cherry pie, to be precise. You're favorite," Thomas said as he grabbed a knife.

I took a step forward to get a closer look at the work of art in front, but stopped. "Wait... did you make this?" I interrogated. "Well, I..." Thomas said and I chuckled.

"Nice try, Tommy. I know a homemade pie when I see one... especially if you made it!" I smiled, "But it looks great, and it smells amazing!"

Thomas cut a slice for me, then for him. I carried it back to the living room and devoured every bit and crumb on my plate. Once again, I was satisfied by what I ate. IT WAS SO GOOD!


We were on episode 5 of season 2, but we weren't paying much attention. Our marathons never go on without some distraction.

He'd either tickle me or poke me, or I'd just start talking about some out-of-the-blue topic. "What do you think about strawberry flavored tea? Have you tried it?" This was the third time I interrupted our hard gained concentration.

"No, I can't say I have," He answered and I sighed. "It's really good. It smells... good," I commented. I rested my head on his legs and stared at the TV.

I was suddenly hit with a cushion. It hit my nose and I sneezed. Thomas laughed loudly as I stared at him angrily. "What was that for?!" I exclaimed. "It was my turn to do something... and I did," He replied and got up.

He knew my next move. I picked up another cushion and hit him in the side of the head. He jumped over the sofa, a look of pure terror on his face as I ran after him.

He hit me, then I hit him. Eventually we ended up on the ground, laughing and crying. I looked up at Thomas, who hit my leg one last time.

It was at that moment, that I realized something.

"What's wrong? Why did you freeze suddenly?" Thomas asked, a little worried. I sat up and stared ahead.

"This is what I wanted... what I was searching for," I said, blankly. "What? A pillow fight?" Thomas said.

I smiled, "No, silly! This... joy and..." I couldn't get the words so Thomas filled in the blanks. "Happiness?" Thomas finished.

"Yes! Exactly! My... pursuit of happiness," I said, "I found it."

I sat next to him and looked into his eyes. "You make me happy, Tommy."

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