Bring Me Back To Life

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Faith's P.o.v.

Eli and I got my apartment cleaned up and I took a shower. It feels so good to be clean.

I decided that today is the day I go to talk to Rachel. I can't lie to myself, I'm super scared.

Scared that she'll hate me forever. But I have to do this. Do this for me, to know what will happen. I'm shaking just thinking about it. I get up the courage to get out of the car.

"I love you. Call if you need me, and I'll be back at 3:00 p.m. if nothing goes wrong." Eli says trying to comfort me.

"Thanks, love you too, bye." I say waving to him.

This is it. The moment I've been waiting for for about 3 weeks now. 

I walk up to the hospital, go in and ask what room Rachel Goodman is in.

"215, 3rd floor."

"Thanks" I say to the oversized nurse. She seems pretty nice.

I walk to the elevator and wait to hear the ding. When I hear it I start to get butterflies again. As I walk past the rooms I look at the numbers.

220... 219..... 218... My anxiety picks up as I get closer. Then there it was. 215. I stood there. Staring at the number. I knock on the door and I hear her.

"Come in. Unless you're a masked murderer." I can't help but smile and giggle at her comment. This is why we were best friends. I walked in and she looked at me.


"What are you doing here?" She looks at me in disgust now.

Rachel's p.o.v

I see my ex best friend come in my room. I just look at her.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I need to talk to you. About what I did." She says.

"Continue." I say giving her a slight death stare.

"Rachel, honestly I'm sorry. I'm stupid and all of that but in all honesty, I really like Eli." She says looking down in shame.

"You can have him. I don't want him. And yeah you are stupid. But I mean I'm not going to instantly forgive you because you apologized. You know me at least that well. But let's work on some things, yeah? We need to both stop cutting and stop being bitchy. Yes I was mad and I'm still hurt but you betrayed me." I say honestly.

"True. True. Okay... Yeah I'll try. And it's okay that you don't want to just jump into this friendship straight away, but will you still stay with me and Eli? Plus I think Alex likes you anyway. Let's just trade boyfriends." We both laugh.

"Yeah I kind of like Alex, actually. I don't think Eli was meant for me anyway." I say.

"I don't think Alex was for me either." She replies.

"Okay whelp. Let's see if I can get the fuck out of here!" I say.

"Yeah! Alex said he misses you, by the way" I wink at her causing her to blush.

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