Put Me In Eternal Sleep

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Faith's P.o.v

I feel..... lost in it all. I can't keep my mind off of what happened. I still really need to talk to her... But I'm scared. That she might reject me. I've always been afraid of rejection.

But this time I actually care. Too much. This never would have happened if it wasn't for me. I crawl back up in bed and cry.

Shhh.... it could all be over right now. No more pain. No more anything. Who would do this to their best friend?

Just go and take that pretty, little blade to your scarred  little wrists. It will all be okay. Fall into my world. Be with me. You don't need anyone else. Just me. I'll protect you. Keep you from all of the bad things.

Put you into eternal sleep and keep you safe forever. All you have to do is get your tiny blade. And do what you do best.

The voice says. It's back. He's here. My eyes widen. But I'm to sad to care. I know who he is. He's my best friend.

Rachel will hate me, so she won't want to have anything to do with me. So he's my new best friend. Depression is his name. And he's very good at persuading.

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