Hand's Stuck

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Rachel's p.o.v.

I think I'm starting to like Eli already and I just met him. This is why I try not to like people. They always end up hurting me some way or another. As if I need that. I have too much to deal with already.

But Eli makes me feel different. This is special, I can tell. It just might be worth the pain.

I wish this moment could last forever.

"So I was thinking, do want to do something sometime?" He asks breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yeah, sounds good." I say trying my best not to blush.

"Um.. How is today after school?" He asks with a hopeful smile.

"Sure, I'd love to!" I say excitedly.

The bus was about to pull up to the high school so we exchanged phones and put our numbers in. Then I remembered we were in the same grade, so I asked him to see his schedule. YAY!

I realized I said that out loud.
"What?" Eli asked me.

"We have most of our classes together!" I say a little too excited.

I had to let go of his hand because we were getting off the bus. I could tell he didn't want to let go. As soon as we got off the bus our hands reunited again. I smiled at the sparkle in his eyes.

All throughout the day we talked across the room or passed notes to each other.
In algebra we got caught talking and the teacher yelled at us. Once Mr. Cunningham turned around, Eli looked at me and we silently laughed. I really really like him... a lot.

Sorry this chapter is so short it's just a filler. Hope you liked it though. Feed back would be great.

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