Forgive And Forget

87 3 1

Rachel's p.o.v.

As soon as we walk back into the house I yell "SLEEPOVER!" I hope the neighbors don't mind a loud night of pillow fights and full volume music. And maybe a little Netflix.

"YASS!" Faith screams back. Eli looked ecstatic with our excitement. I laugh. My real laugh. The worst thing about my laugh is that my friends says it sounds like a witch on crack. Yeahhhh. Lovely. But Eli seemed to like it. I blushed.

"So what shall we do first?" I say calming my laughter.

"Ermm... how bout... we make a fort." Eli says like a little kid.

"YES!" We all yell in harmony, and that's exactly what we did.

"Faith you get the pillows, Eli you get the blankets, I'll go to the store and get the Monster, anyone wanna come with?" I ask.

"I DO!" They both said.

"Ok we'll go get the monsters and candy, then come back and make the fort." I said already out of breath. I'm not the athletic type so I get worn out pretty fast.

Faith grabs her keys, and said out loud, "oh shit I can't go in public like this! I have stains everywhere so let me change first.

"Same." I say.

Eli looked fine. He had on some black skinny jeans and a Slipknot hoodie. I'm stealing that hoodie.

"Eli, I'm stealing your clothes, where are they?" I asked. He gets up and hands me his bag.

"Thanks, love." I say in a British accent and pick out a Tool hoodie.

Me and Faith run upstairs. I run straight to Faith's room, grab my duffle my mom brought and go straight to the bathroom.

The first thing I do is take out everything I'll need to get ready and turn on my straightener. I turn on my music as well because I have to listen to music as a get ready. The first song that comes on is unbroken by Empty My Lungs.

I change really fast cause I don't think Eli wants to wait 2 hours for us to get ready.

I take off my shirt and pants and put on Eli's hoodie. I take off my sweat pants and put on some black skull leggings, then slide on my black on black Vans.

I wash my oily face with my cleanser  and then quickly dry it and I put on  my winged eyeliner and below my waterline to make my eyes look bigger.

I grab my brush and comb through my long black hair and part my fringe and quickly straighten my hair.

I put in my septum and but in my angel bites. So now I have in my gauges, snakebites, angel bites and septum them I'm done.

I spray my cotton candy perfume. I love cotton candy.

When I come out of my room I see that Autumn is still in her bedroom, so I go downstairs to see Eli sitting on the couch watching Dexter. I love that show. I sit next to Eli.

"You look amazing!" He says and I laugh.

"Usually you'd hear that on prom night." he laughs at that. That wasn't even funny. I mean I'm not a funny person.
"Yeah well if you're gonna be with me you're gonna hear that more than on prom night."

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