You Need A Hug

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(A/N: Self harm in this chapter and probably the rest of the story so read at your own risk.)

Rachel's p.o.v.

I finally get to Faith's house. I knocked in the door loudly. Normally she is in her room.

"Who is it?" She yelled.

"The police!" I yelled back.

"Come in you twat!"I laughed

"Hey!!" I practically scream.

Faith's family isn't here. Her mom is at work. She always has a full day and night shift, she travels around the world. I think Faith said she was a lawyer or something. Her dad is dead.

I knew she had a good reason to self harm. She doesn't really have a family anymore.

"Hey!" I heard her reply happily.

"When's your mom going to be here?" She asked almost falling down the stairs to hug me.

"Hahaha someone's happy to see me! Uhh, she should be here in about an hour so we have time to hang." I say excitedly.

Then we broke into our favorite song by Sleeping With Sirens.


We try to catch our breathe  like we've ran a mile for about a year bent over with our hands on our knees. Am I really this out of shape? I ask myself then I think, yes yes you are. You're fat remember?

"So what do you want to do before you have to leave?" I said breaking the silence. well technically it wasn't silent because we were still panting.

"Um you want to do the thing?" By that she meant cut. Usually we do it together. I know it sounds crazy, but that's how were really connected. We both have reasons. Not to get attention.

"Yeah sure." I said running up the stairs. I left my blade there so we could do it together. I grabbed mine from her drawer and she grabbed hers. They were in plastic bags labeled so we could know which ones mine and which one is hers. Mine has a pentagram. Hers has a tear.

We went to the bathroom, pulled up our sleeves all the way so it'd be on our forearms and not our wrists. It's winter so we don't have to wear bracelets.

We had tears streaming down our faces. My hand was trembling. I pushed down the razor hard but not too hard to have to get stitches or anything.

Blood dripped heavily down my arm and dripped in the sink. Both of ours dripped pretty badly. You couldn't see my forearm anymore and hers was about the same.

I turned on warm water. Not to warm for it to burn our skin but a cold-ish warm. We rinsed our arms, cleaned the wounds, cleaned out the sink and around it to make the blood splatters disappear off the floor.

We hugged each other and dried our tear stained, blotchy face. We fixed our makeup to make it look as if we hadn't cried.

10 minutes afterwards I heard a knock on the door. SHIT! It's my mom! I ran to the door and looked through the peep hole and sighed of relief. It was Eli. I forgot I told him Faith's address. I unlocked the door.

"Hey" he said happily.

"Hey" I replied quickly. "Come in I got to ask Faith a quick question. Hey Bitch?" I yelled to her.

"What, you ass?"

"Is it okay if Eli stays instead of me leaving?"

"Sure I have a guest room you and him could stay in. If you don't want to sleep with him I have another bed in my room."

"I know I've stayed here before, remember?"

"Oh yeah!" She's such a blonde but she dyed her hair blue. I laugh loud so she can hear.

Faith walks out of the kitchen so I can see her glare at me.  I know she knows what I'm thinking. I've made so many blonde jokes around her.

I asked Eli if it was okay with him and  he said it was okay so he said he'd text his mom after my mom got here with my clothes so he could get his.

I told him to bring more than one change cause I wanted to wear some of his clothes. He just looked at me with a 'of course you do' smile.

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