These Skies Will Tear Us Apart

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3 weeks after suicide attempt.

Faith's p.o.v

I did what he said. He told me to do it. I did it but not deep enough to be with him. He's evil.

Rachel's p.o.v.

I don't know why... But I get little butterflies when I'm around Alex.

I hope Eli and Faith are happy with each other. Believe it or not, I hope it works out for them. I'm better off with Alex. WAIT. WHAT?? Noooo.....
I don't like Alex. I can't.

Eli's p.o.v

I haven't seen Faith in weeks. I'm getting a little worried. I decide I'm gonna go check on her today.

I don't know if I should call her. No. She'll be there.

<><>at Faith's place<><>

I knock. No answer. I yell for her. No answer. I call her. She picks up. She sounded sick.

E- hey beautiful, can you let me in?


I hear a click on the door and I hang up. I open the door, her house is such a mess. I look at her with pain in my eyes.

"Faith, why?" She knows exactly what I'm talking about.

You could easily tell she's depressed. Her tear stained cheeks, her red puffy eyes, and the mess, she was also wearing shirt sleeves so you could see her arms and all of the fresh cuts. Many  fresh ones.

"It was all my fault." She whispered, I barely caught it.

"What? Rachel? You think that was because of you?" I ask taking my hands to her face to make her look at me.

"Yeahhhh,"she says. This kills me seeing her like this.
"It's not. Alex said in her letter she said that it wasn't. Maybe if you go talk to her you can work things out." I say.

"Yeah, but she'd just get more angry." Why does she think it's her fault? It is kind of our fault though, really. 

"If it was anyone's fault, it's mine. I'm the one that loved her. She would have been better off if I never loved her. You should go talk to her, okay?" I ask.

"Okay. I'll go clean up and take a shower." She says.

"You're not cleaning all of this up by your self." I say laughing, picking up a broom and chasing her with it while she giggles, then I pin her down. This is why I love her. Rachel was the past.

Faith is the present.

Ooooh Eli is a biotch!

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