Friends Have Benifits

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Rachel's p.o.v.

I hear footsteps. UGHH I don't want to wake up. My eyes flutter open and I see Eli getting back in bed. I yawn sleepily.

"Hiya." I whisper to Eli.

"Hey" he whispers in his deep, morning voice. I giggle and he clears his throat. He lays down on his back and I lay my head in his chest.

The sound of his heart beat comforted me as I counted each one. I think I'm starting to love him. He kisses my forehead and holds me close.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask.

"Well I kind of wanted to go see my friend today, and I want you and Faith to meet him if that's cool." he says.

"Sure, when?" I hope not very soon.

"In about an hour." damn it.

"Kk I'm going to get ready." I say. I was in between getting over him to get off the bed, I was straddling him. Then, I stopped and pulled him into a deep kiss. A very deep kiss. Not just a normal deep kiss. A passionate one.

I got off the bed and went downstairs to wake Faith up. And to my expectation, there she was, sleeping, still, on the couch.

To be honest, she would sleep forever if she could.

"Hey wakeup." I whisper, nudging her a little. She does nothing. Doesn't even move. So I decided to see if yelling would work.

"YO BRO!" She must have gotten startled because her eyes went wide and her breathing picked up.

"GOD RACHEL YOU ALMOST MADE ME PISS MYSELF!" She screams throwing a pillow at my face. I laugh.

"You should get ready. And why are you sleeping on the couch when you have a perfectly fine bedroom upstairs?" I ask.

"Why and because I was too lazy to walk up the stairs, so I just slept here since we had the pillows and covers from the fort." She says.

"Cause Eli wants to go see his friend." I say while laughing at her explanation.

"Ok... and..." she says annoyed.

"And.... he might be hot." I say.

"KK!" She jumps up and makes coffee for me and herself. Eli doesn't like coffee.

I pour my cup, put two ice cubes to cool it a bit. I drink black coffee. It's like my soul. Dark.
I laugh at myself before taking a sip. I sit on the couch while I drink my amazing beverage and watch Looney Toons. Yes I love cartoons.

Then I have to go get ready. Yay. Not really. I walk back upstairs to Autumn's guest room and grab my  ripped leggings, my Marilyn Manson tank top and my black creepers.

"Hey you going to change in here?" Eli asks smirking and I laugh. I forgot he was in here.

"Yeah." I say casually. "but you have to turn around."

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