Hold Me Close

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Rachel's p.o.v.

My mom finally got here with my clothes.

Eli was hidden pretty well. I wasn't prepared for what she brought me. It's like she was expecting me to move in or something.

Mom knows what I like to wear mostly. Band tees, leggings, and converse. She also packed my straightener and makeup. She has packed my bag so many times that it just comes natural to stuff everything in my suitcase. Yes I have to have that much stuff to survive one weekend.

"Thanks mom. Love you. Bye! I'll be back Monday after school." I say.

She says goodbye and hugs me.

She walks out and I close the door trying not to slam it or close it too easily to make it look suspicious. I must be paranoid. Why is it when you try to look and act normal, you do the most unnatural thing ever!?! Humans I swear!

I slide down the door with the longest sigh of relief ever known to man. I go up to the window to make sure her car is gone and it is.

Mission accomplished! I run back up the stairs to tell Eli.

"She's gone." I say winking at him, even though when I wink I end up blinking instead. So I blinked at him. He didn't even seem to notice that I tried to wink.

Then all of the sudden Eli pulls me in the closet, scaring the absolute shit out of me and shuts the door. I'm dying in the most wonderful way.

There is a small amount of light coming from under the door. He pulls me close and we lock eyes. He smiles. UGH that smile!

He lightly presses his lips on mine. I pull him in closer and make the kiss deeper. Faith opens the door. We pull away really fast and I hit my head on the wall..

"Hey guys, I'm lonely what are you doing on the closet? Are we playing hide and go seek?!?" She asks excitedly.

She is so childish. And this is why we're best friends.

"Yes!" I replied excitedly.

"Okay I'll count!" She says running away.

"You go do that!" I yell after her.

"I will! And if you stay there I'll know where you're hiding!"

"Don't worry we will find another spot!" I replied.


I breathe in deeply. Eli noticed and asked me.

"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."

"Let's go somewhere else so we can't be found." I say.

"Sure." He smiles.

So we head for the bathroom. I jump in the shower with the curtain closed. Eli follows. He pulls me super close. I start to get a little shaky.

"Rachel, you're shaking."He whispers in my ear only making me shiver more.

"I'm fine I'm just a little nervous. Not the bad kind of nervous. The good kind." I say

I didn't want to wait. I rushed in for it and firmly pressed my lips against his.
When we pull apart gasping for air.

"Wow!" Is all we could say. Why didn't we just breathe through our noses?

"Shit I've got to text my mom." He says.

Eli texted his mom to bring 3 pairs of clothes.

Faith  snuck into the bathroom and threw open the curtains, which scared the absolute fuck out of me! I gasped so loud it startled both of them.

"Ha! I found you!" Faith shouts and jumps up and down. Then she looks at me and Eli standing considerably close. We quickly move apart.

"OMG!!! ARE YOU GUYS DATING?!?!" Still jumping up and down she screams. I blush. A LOT.

Eli looks at me for an answer. I have a habit at looking at my shoes when I get nervous.

"Um... if you want" Eli says looking at me nervously. 

"Ummm..." I stuttered and managed to get out a quiet "yes."

"So you guys are dating. It's
official. You guys are adorable together." She says excitedly.

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