What You Don't Know Won't Kill You

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Rachel's p.o.v.

"What do you want to do now?" Eli asks like a little kid tugging on my sleeve.

"Um... we could watch a movie and make popcorn or something." Faith answers instead.

"Sure." Eli says.

Eli suddenly does the yawn stretch move. I blush super bad then cover my face. Eli tries to force my hands away from my face. It works and I don't look into his eyes.

"Awe your blushing!" he yells all cutesy.

"No I not"

"YES YOU ARE!! FAITH SHE'S BLUSHING!" He yells to her.

"NO!!" I yell.

Faith comes running in and gets in my face to see if it is red. Which it is.

"I never said it was a bad thing! BABY COME BACK!!"
He sings and runs after me as I run into the kitchen to make popcorn.

Faith follows me to the kitchen obviously more than happy. I grab the popcorn out of the microwave and without thinking I pull up my sleeves to pour it into a big bowl. Eli comes back up from behind me and hugs me rapping his arms around my waist.

"What's that?"

"A bowl." I say casually, getting nervous.

"No on your arms."

"Sleeves." I reply my voice shaking.

"Rachel, I'm talking about on your skin."

"Lotion." I say trying to get out of this.

"The cuts." He says sternly but not to scare me. More of a protective tone.

"My cat scratched me."

"No you don't have a cat." He replies.

"Yes I do he lives in my basement and you wouldn't know you haven't been to my house."

"He scratched you so much so you can't see your entire forearm?"he asks me pulling my sleeve up the rest of the way to my elbow and I wince in pain.

"Yes, he's a vicious kitty." I say.

"What about Faith?" He asks looking at her arm as well.

"She helped me feed him." I reply as Faith stands there looking at her feet nervously.

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