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Rachel's p.o.v.

"WHY?" He knows it wasn't my cat.

I don't have a cat. I want a cat though. I should get a cat. And name him Nyan. And tape pop-tarts on him and tie him to the fan and turn it on  and let it spin him, then video it. Then take him down and never do that again. Because it's mean. But I'll keep the pop-tarts on him.

Then Faith walks in front of me taking me out of my trance and surprisingly calm says "let us explain."


"Ok" Faith starts. "My mom was never there for me and she still isn't. She's always worried more about work than her own daughter. My dad died 8 months ago because of his drinking, but I loved him regardless because he was the only one who actually cared about me."

By this time she was fully sobbing. I hug her tight. She was so close to her dad. She visit his grave everyday.

Then I start my explanation. "Well, you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

"I promise." Eli says patiently. Faith already knew the whole situation. I start off shaky.

"Okay, so what happened I was physically and verbally abused by my mom and I still am." I said with more than just a tear. I was bawling. Like a baby.

"Oh... I didn't know it was that bad. I'm so sorry, to both of you, I love you. But promise me you guys will try to quit

"I p-promise." I say and so does Faith. I go upstairs and get my razor blade. I go back downstairs and hand it to Eli. He clenches it since it still in the Baggie and goes outside. Takes it out of the bag and throws it in the woods behind Faith's  house.

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