This Hospital For Souls

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Alex's p.o.v
"Where you at? Wanna meet back up at Faith's place?" Eli asked.

"Um sure, I'll be there in 5." I say. I get in my car and drive to their place.

I pull in the parking space and get out. I go to the door and knock. No answer. I decide to call Eli.

"Where you at?" I ask.
"I'll be there in about 20 minutes okay?" He says annoyed. That's 15 more minutes than what he said a minute ago...

"Okay man god. Whats's you're problem?" I ask getting pissed as well.

"Nothing." he says and hangs up. I knock on the door again incase Faith or Rachel is there.

The door is locked but Faith gave me a spare key incase anything happens so I don't have to wait outside.

I get the key and open the door and see a piece of paper on the counter with small specks of blood on it.  I read it out loud and run around the house to try to find her. I run to each bedroom. No luck.

I run to the bathroom. It's locked. I break down the door and I see something I never wanted to see in my entire life.

I see Rachel on the floor, blood mixed with water everywhere. There was cuts on her stomach and arms. Deep. Really deep. I don't even know her that much and I started tearing up.

I don't know what exactly happened but I still feel terrible. It hurts me. She was a beautiful girl. More beautiful than Faith internally and externally.

I run to the phone and call the ambulance. I go pick her up and hold her in my arms crying. When the ambulance arrives they put a oxygen mask on her and put her on a stretcher.

I get in the back with a nurse and Rachel. The nurse puts a cloth wrap on her cuts to try and stop the bleeding. We get to the hospital and I fill out paperwork and have to stay in the waiting room.

I don't know if I should even call Faith or Eli. I tear up just thinking of the possibilities. She could die. She doesn't deserve to.

"Alex Jones." said someone with an unfamiliar voice. I lifted my head to see who it was. It was a nurse.

"Yes?" I said.

"May I talk to you alone?" She asks.

"Yes." I say. I walk over to her and she closes the door.

"Rachel is alive."  a huge weight got lifted off my shoulders and I sighed in relief.

"But... she will need a lot of help for the next few days." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Like going to the bathroom and showering. So someone will need to help her and if there is no one that can do that then we can give her home health. That is where someone comes to her house and cleans and helps her."

The nurse says.
"Oh, no thank you that won't be necessary. I will help her." I say.

"Can I go see her now?"

"Yes but I warn you, she is in a very bad condition right now." she says.

"What room is she in?" I ask.
"215, 3rd floor." she says.

"Thank you" I say and walk away. I sprint to an elevator and press floor 3 and wait. I get out and finally find room 215.

I walk in and I gasp. There's so many wires connecting to her frail body keeping her alive. I walk up to her and gently place my hand on hers. She looks so peaceful but in so much pain at the same time.

Rachel's p.o.v.

It's so dark. Did I come conscious yet? Am I awake? Am I dead? I don't know. My head hurts really bad. Then I remember what happened. Oh yeah. I lived? UGHHH. I'm never successful at anything I do.

Great. I feel something on my hand. I try to open my eyes but the lights blind me. I squint and I see someone asleep in a weird chair and their hand on mine.

The smell of cleaner is overwhelming. I'm in a hospital. I rub my eyes and I can see a bit better. I finally figure out that the person sitting next to me asleep is Alex.

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